Canadian Coupons: Glade Coupon Flyer in Next Weekend’s Newspaper


Watch out for a Glade coupon insert in your Nov. 27th newspaper. It doesn’t say which paper, but I’m guessing the same ones that the Smartsource and Redplum come in. The coupons in it are:

* Buy 2 Glade jar candles, get 1 free
* $5 off any Glade Fragrance Collection product

I hope they have 2011 expiry dates, so I can use them on Boxing Day when the Fragrance Collection stuff goes on clearance.

One response to “Canadian Coupons: Glade Coupon Flyer in Next Weekend’s Newspaper”

  1. C says:

    Of course they say “your favourite newspaper”. For coupon hunters, any newspaper that carries coupon inserts is their favourite 😀


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