Featured Brag

Walmart Canada has a great Clearance Blowout Sale available now! Save up to 80% off select items that include:
- Toys
- Electronics
- Outdoor Living
- Watches & Jewellery
- Sports & Rec
- Clothing & Accessories
- Home
- Office
- Health, Beauty & Pharmacy
- Baby
The Walmart offers are valid online for a limited time. While supplies last.
Walmart Canada has Free shipping on all online orders of $50 or more.
Click here to view all Walmart clearance offers.
Click here get Walmart Canada online offers.

Unlike many people, Valery redeemed on a regular weekend when Shoppers Drug Mart had some deals she could use to maximize her redemption rather than wait for a bonus redemption weekend. Valery did two redemptions to get all of her items from Shoppers Drug Mart
Total Before Coupons $121.16 – $29.47 coupons used: Total $91.69 / Redeemed $85.00 / Total OOP $6.69
Total Before Coupons $77.81 – $17.46 coupons used: Total $60.35 / Redeemed $60.00 / Total OOP $0.35
For one of these transactions, she was also give the $10 SDM promo card and $10 TimCard despite redeeming
Click here to see all of the clearance deals she found and coupon deals she used – including her shopping at Walmart

ccmp1974 managed to score Similac formula for just $2.50 a can by combining pink sticker sales with coupons and Similac cheques this week, and got ready for next Easter while shopping!
8x $24.99 Similac – 50% off pink stickers -8x $5 coupons( doctor office) – 8x $5 cheques (mailout’s and trades) =$20 or $2.50 each can! – This ‘stacking’ was allowed as the cheques are a form of payment and not a coupon.
- 2x $0.05 Easter Cello Bags = $0.10
- 2x $0.01 Easter Colouring cup – 50% pink sticker = FREE!! (odd 50% off of a penny = free!! LOL!!) & 2x $0.01 Easter Coloring cup =$0.02
- 83x $0.05 Easter egg colour kit = $4.15 & 43x $0.05 Easter egg colour kit – 50% pink sticker = $1.29
- 2x $0.01 Easter Shaded mazes =$0.02
- 3x $0.01 Egg grippers – 50% pink sticker = FREE!! & 2x $0.01 Egg grippers = $0.02
- 2x $0.01 Easter garland = $0.02
I wish I could find pink sticker clearance at $0.01! So what will ccmp1974 do with all those egg colouring kits? They are going to be given to all of the children in her daughters’ school for next Easter.
Click here to view her full brag

CouponDiva scored some great deals while shopping in Newfoundland this week by keeping an eye out for unadvertised store specials like pink stickers.
Some of the highlights of her shopping at Dominion are:
- 4 x IOGO Probio Vanilla Yogurt 650g @ .99 ea (used 4 x .75 coupons from gocoupons.ca)
- 3 x Dial Eco-Smart Hand Soap Refills 1.18L @ $3.49 ea – 50% pink sticker = $1.74 (used 3 x $2 coupons from recent insert) Each bag is supposed to fill 5+ pump bottles!
- 5 x Crest Regular Toothpaste 100mL @ $1.49 ea – 50% pink sticker = .74 (used 5 x $1 coupons I found today in Coupon Zone!)
- 2 x Kotex Natural Balance Panty-liners 33ct @ $2.99 ea – 50% pink sticker (used $1.50 wub 2 tearpad coupon I found around Christmastime)
and then onto No Frills where she made use of a rebate offer
- 3 x Ziploc Freezer Bags @ $2 ea (used 3 x $1 coupons from recent Facebook promo)
- 7 x Glade Decor Scents 2pk Refills @ $2 ea & 1 Glade Decor Scents PlugIn Warmer @ $2 (used 4 x BOGO tearpad coupons)
- So together I paid $13.86 for the Ziploc & Glade but I’ll send in the receipt for the $10 PC Gift Card wub $20+ SC Johnson!
and finally, at Walmart
- 9 x Finish Powerballs @ $2 ea (used 9 x $2 coupons from inserts)
- 6 x Chips Ahoy Extras @ .99 ea (pricematched Coleman’s local supermarket & used 6 x $1 tearpad coupons)
- 1 x Voltaren Emulgel @ $7.97 (used $5 Novartis printable)
Click here to check out her full brag

While getting anything for free is excellent, most SmartCanucks members hold onto their free product coupons (FPCs) until they can make even more from them – you can use them on items with bonus points, for items with more coupons on it and in some cases towards minimum spend requirements for promotions (not at Shoppers Drug Mart).
Including tax, ErinsMom paid only $6.88 for everything pictured and received 9 Airmiles and coupons for five free Blizzards from Dairy Queen and five free drinks at Orange Julius.
- Kraft Shredded Cheese $3.99 – $1 coupon X 2 = $5.98
- Lean Cuisine Fresh Inspirations $ 4.29 X 6 (6 FPCs) = $0
- Orville ready to eat Popcorn $2.99 X 2 (2 FPCs)= $0
- Apple Cinnamon Cheerios $5.19 X 5 (5 FPCs) = $0
Click here to read her full brag

We don’t get many Atlantic store brags but forum member sabadi did great in their first forum brag.
Pretzel M&M’s: Reg. $3.99, 50% Clearance = 1.99
Febreeze Set & Refresh refill: Reg. $5.99, 50% Clearance + $1 coupon = 1.99
Finish Quantum 20 pk: Reg. $7.99, Sale $6.99 + MIR = Free
Resolve: Reg. $5.99, Sale $4.99 + MIR = Free
Healthy Steamers x2: Reg. $4.29 each, Sale $2.99 each = $5.98
Activia Yogurt: Reg. $3.00, Sale $2.99 + $1 coupon (wyb Healthy Steamers) = $1.99
Danactive: Reg $5.99, Sale $3.99 + $1 coupon (wyb Healthy Steamers) = $2.99
Liberte 2% Greek Yogurt: $3.99, Free coupon = Free
Cracker Barrel Cheese: Reg. $8.59, Sale $5.99 = $5.99
Maple Leaf Bacon x2: Reg. $5.99, Sale $3.49 +$2 coupon (for portions pk) = $4.98
Oktoberfest Sausage x2: Reg. $3.99, Sale $1.39 = $2.78
Pears: Sale $1.69/lb = $3.51
Strawberries: Sale $2.50 = $2.50
Lady Speed Stick: Reg. $3.29, Sale $2.49 + $2 coupon wyb 2 = $2.98
Total Reg – $87.65, Paid – $37.68 (before taxes and after mail in rebate), Saved 57%
Click here to view their full brag and welcome them to posting on the forum

We don’t all have hundreds of coupons to bring down our out of pocket costs at Shoppers Drug Mart, some people just are not into couponing, but you can still maximise your savings by shopping with bonus points as forum member CouponDawn did in this brag.
1x Pampers Cruisers Box Reg. $27.99 Sale $20.99 – $2 coupon + 3000 Bonus Points coupon
1x Pull Ups Large Bag Reg. $32.99!! Sale $14.99 – $2 coupon + 3000 Bonus Points coupon
1x Huggies Travel Wipes Reg. $2.99 – $1.15 coupon + 2000 Bonus Points coupon (weird amount, it was a SDM personalized email)
1x Orajel Toddler Toothpaste Reg. 3.99 Sale $3.29 – $1 coupon
1x Medela Disposable Nursing Pads Reg. $12.99
3x Life Brand Paper Towel Reg. $3.49? Sale $1.99 – $1.50 coupon (I thought it would only apply to one but it automatically came off all 3 packs!)
4x 2L Coke Products Reg. $2.49? Sale $1
1x Tassimo Pack Reg. $6.49
1x 2L Baxter Milk Reg. $3.24
1x Billy Bee Honey Reg. $4.99? Sale $3.99
1x Dozen Eggs Reg. $2. 79 Sale $1.99
Approximate Total Before Sales and Coupons $133.31
Total after Sales and Coupons $78. 42
Used 2x $10 GC that were gifted to me so Total OOP $58.42
Regular Points 750 + Product Bonus Points 120 + Coupon Points Awarder 8000 + Transaction Bonus Points 18500
Total Points Earned 27370!
If redeemed at the highest level (95,000 points for $170) those points would be worth over $48 – and even more if CouponDawn waits until a bonus redemption!
Click here to view her full brag

Forum member steffigirl managed to get everything pictured for just $13.15 including taxes (the Robax or eyeliners would cost that alone without couponing) and here is how she managed it:
Robax Platinum 18’s – $9.99-$10 coupon (from filling in Shoppers Voice survey)
Right Guard Deodorant – $1.99-$1.50 coupon
Lady Speed Stick – 4 x $1.99 = $7.96 – 2 x $2 coupons = $3.96 or .99ea
Covergirl eyeliner – $7.19 each – in-store BOGO – $2 coupon = $5.19 or $2.59ea
Total spent $9.62 plus taxes for a total of $13.15
Click here to view her full brag
What has been your favourite Shoppers Voice coupon? Do you receive them?

Forum member scbpooh managed to score all of the items pictured above for less than $10 including taxes by combining clearance deals, price-matching, overage and coupons as well as using Canadian Tire money earned from previous purchases.
Canadian Tire:
4 x Green Works Dishsoap $2- $1.50= 50c each
3 x Palmolive $1- $1 (Palmolive vouchers)= FREE
1 bag Ziplocs $1- $1= FREE
Total= $13.20 (including $1.20 in taxes)
Coupons= $10.00
Total= $3.20 – $3.20 in CT money
Total spent out of pocket = FREE (made $0.05 in CT money)
4 Glade Sense & Spray @ $2.50- $5= +$10.00 in overages!!!!
4 Green Works Pmed @ $2- $1.50 = 50c
1 Apple Cinnamon Cheerios w/ DQ coupons $3.88- FPC= FREE (plus free Dairy Queen)
2 1L choc. milk $1.48
1 2L Fruitopia $1.55
1 Deluxe Easter Egg decorating kit reg. $4.96- 75%= $1.24 (for next Easter)
6 Campbells soup PMed to LD for 79c each
1 box Latex gloves $4.97
Subtotal= $37.34 (plus $2.39 taxes)
Coupons= $29.88
Total spent out of pocket = $9.95
Click here to view her full brag

Alisa recently posted her Shoppers Drug Mart brag
All diapers are already on sale.
Pull ups $10.99 – 3000VIB points (I wish my $2off coupon hasn’t expired…)
Easy ups $10.99 – $3 coupon + 3000VIB points
Huggies box $14.99 – $1 coupon + 3000VIB points
Mother hen baby food $8.37 (price applies if you buy more than 4, I had 6) – 6x$5 coupons
So, $8.37 – $5= $3.37 each, 20.22 for 6 Plus they had an offer of 200 bonus points WUB2, so 600 for 6
To be honest, I think that Mother hen is ridiculously expensive, but with all the offers it finally came to an acceptable price
Bottom line:
$55.04 for $78.04 worth of products that were already on sale.
9600 bonus points
Paid for it with SDM gift card (double the regular points )
And of cause I got the $10 savings card.
The points would be worth $17 at the highest regular redemption level plus an additional $10 savings card so Alisa earned $27 back on her purchase too. Click here to see her full brag.

Forum member shmeelady managed to score all of this for just $34.50 at Walmart by combining coupons and price-matching.
5x Almond Breeze; $2.57 pricematched @ SDM 2/$4 – $1 coupons = $1 each
5x Natur-A Almond;; $2.57 pricematched @ SDM 2/$4 – $1 coupons = $1 each
4x Nourishtea Full Leaf Tea;; $5.99 on clearance for $2!!!!! No coupons
2x Bolthouse Smoothies;; $2 – $1 coupon = $1 each
2x Manns Veggies;; $2.47 on 2/$4 – $1 coupon = $1 each
1x Schneiders Pepperettes;; $8.97 pricematched @ SDM $5.99 – $5 coupon = $.99
2x Apple Chips;; $1.50 each — no coupons, but DS is obsessed with these!
6x Danone Silhouette;; $2.99 pricematched @ Sobey’s $2 – $5wub3 = $.33 each!
1x All Bran Flakes (with pin!!);; $3.97 – $2 coupon = $1.97
1x Kitten Chow;; $7.11 – FPC = free
2x Glade Sense and Spray;; $9.88 pricematched @ Superstore $5.97 – $5 coupon = $.97 each
1x Mina Extra Lean Ground Chicken;; $4.02 – $2 coupon = $2.02
1x Mina Extra Lean Ground Chicken;; $3.93 – $2 coupon = $1.93
1x Mina Extra Lean Ground Chicken;; $3.97 – $2 coupon = $1.97
2x Chocolate Bars (for DH);; $1.08 each
Total Before Pricematching/Clearance/Coupons $145.41
OP $34.50 ($3.38 taxes)
Savings $114.29 or 78%
Click here to see her full brag including details on how she stacked coupons at London Drugs to get Melitta coffee pods for free

Forum member Ashoo posted her first brag this week and here is what she got.
2x sunlight (PM Food Basics) $2.88 each – 1x$2 coupon(insert) – 1x$1.5 coupon(save.ca) = $2.26
2x veileda dish scrunge $3.00 each – 2xFPC(insert) = FREE
1x Family size Apple Cannamon Cheerioes $5.00 – 1xFPC(websave.ca) = FREE
2x Glades Sense & Spray Refills $5.87 each – 1XB1G1 Free coupon(websaver.ca) = $5.87
Total After coupons = $8.13 / Taxes = $3.06 / TOTAL = $11.19
Saved $20.37 in coupons
No Frills:
2x Tresemme Shampoo $3.97 each – 2x$1.5 coupon(tearpad) = $4.94
2x Tresemme Conditionar $3.97 each – 2x$1.5 coupon(tearpad) = $4.94
Total After coupons = $9.88 / Taxes = $2.06 / TOTAL = $11.94
Saved $6 in coupons
A great use of a mix of coupons to stock up. Click here to view her full brag

Forum member sjw80 combined the Shoppers Drug Mart coupon for 25% off full priced items and a redemption to get a WiiU and Super Mario Bros. U game for just $133.75 including taxes (full price including tax would be $463.28).
Wii U Deluxe Set (including nintendo land game): Regular price taxes included $395.49 – 25% off coupon – $15 GC (that I got in a trade) – $170 (95,000 optimum points redemption) = OOP taxes included $111.61
Wii U Super Mario Bros. game: Regular price taxes included $67.79 (on sale this week $54.99) – $10 voucher (that came in last weeks flyer bundle) – $30 (22,000 optimum points redemption) = OOP taxes included $22.14
So the 25% coupons can be used in conjunction with redemptions. Click here to view sjw80’s full brag.

Using coupons with sales and other deals is the best way to use coupons. Forum member IRefuseToPayFullPrice did just that when she found Quaker oatmeal on sale for $1 box and used coupons for a free Tropicana Juice when you buy three Quaker products.
- 6 box of Quaker oatmeal at $1 each = $6
- 2 cartons of juice at $4.27 each = $8.54
- Total paid for items = $6
As you can see from her full brag (click here to see it), she also used coupons on her other items bought.
Did you know that you can get paid if we feature your brag on the blog? Click here for details.

It is not very often we get to see brags about saving on fruit and vegetables, but forum member d.ot scored this week when a multibuy deal meant she saved more than the item at Walmart.
Personally, I hate multibuy deals, you are never sure if the price will adjust and you end up buying more than you need, but it worked well for d.ot when a 2/$10 deal on Glade products with the price adjusting at the end meant that her BOGO coupon was rung up at the single item price of $7.34 and not the $5 adjusted price. So d.ot used this overage towards taxes and other purchases and spent only $1.22 for her purchase (the apples alone were $1.49)
Click here to see the breakdown of her purchases (and do congratulate her on her first brag).
How do you save on produce?