Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On Kraft Singles *Printable Coupon*


It’s National Grilled Cheese Day! Kraft Canada is celebrating by releasing a coupon for $1 off the purchase of Kraft Singles. This is a printable coupon, available through webSaver and Kraft What’s Cooking. You must log in to your account, or register if you do not have an account, and visit the coupon page. From there you can print a coupon for $1 off any variety of Kraft Singles in the 500g format. There is a limit of one coupon per account.

Click here to get your coupon!

2 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On Kraft Singles *Printable Coupon*”

  1. ShoestringShopper says:

    Wish I could print these coupons, but the Kraft website hasn’t worked for me since they changed it. The first time I contacted them about it, they got right back to me with the most obvious advice that I’d already tried and didn’t work. Since then, they don’t even bother with me. They said they’d send coupons to make it up to me, but they never did. When I see Kraft coupon offers now, I just have to quickly remind myself not to even bother looking because it’s a waste of my time. 🙁

    • Angie says:

      I agree, Kraft Canada is not a very accommodating Company to deal with! I called for help with my password as I had forgotten it. Apparently they couldn’t change it for me or make an adjustment from their end so I can change it myself! The woman on the other end basically told me to try things I had already tried. In the end all I got from her was that my info on my account was their business, not mine and therefore, I could not make changes! Not a very user friendly sight or knowledgeable staff. So I got fed up and created another account with a secondary e-mail address…all this for coupons..sheesh!!


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