Dairy Queen Commercial Sends out a Wrong Message

Well it’s not the first time that Dairy Queen have had an offensive or inappropriate commercial so you shouldn’t be very surprised.  Love2save posted about this commercial in the forum and here’s what she had to say:

Does anyone see anything wrong with the new DQ commercial that has the little girl expecting the little boy to have a sundae sent over to her table and then she just looks at the camera and says “it’s like shooting fish in a barrel”? I may be reading too much into this but I just think it sends out a very wrong message.

Here’s the commercial:


Discussion of this DQ commercial on the forum

63 responses to “Dairy Queen Commercial Sends out a Wrong Message”

  1. Ron says:

    I agree. It’s the message getting out there earlier and earlier “I’m cute, and my looks will get me anything I want”. She’s what, nine or ten? Just think what the kid will be like when she hits puberty!!

  2. DJ says:

    I agree totally. I have two twentysomething daughters. I’d hate to see them do that now and I would have been appalled if they had tried something like that when they were that age! We would have had a serious talk about it! It is SO wrong to be suggesting that this little kid’s behaviour is “cute”! This is what comes from a society that celebrates someone like Paris Hilton.

  3. Glen says:

    Here you go miss, your 10th shot of the night, courtesy of the creepy man at the end of the bar.

    “it’s like shooting fish in a barrel…”

  4. amycanada77 says:

    The mom’s reaction in the commmercial was the same as my reaction when I first saw this ad… what were they thinking when they made this commercial … I just don’t understand their marketing ploy here…???

  5. adora says:

    I’m not too concern with the effect of “sending out wrong messages”. Most kids are smart enough to know not to pimp themselves for ice-cream.
    My worry lies in the market for pedophiles. Well, maybe they already hang out a lot at ice-cream parlors…

  6. Kate says:

    It took me forever to figure out what that little twirp was saying. But now that I do, I don’t exactly understand.

  7. MR says:

    I don’t understand what the huge uproar is about. So granted, it’s a bit inappropriate, or alot, depending on your view of it.

    However, it’s nothing good parenting can’t curb. Parents should be regulating their childrens attitudes on certain matters at appropriate times during their impressionable years anyway.

    So if you’re doing so, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

  8. amycanada77 says:

    I agree MR that you need good parenting to explain to our children from right to wrong (Mind you I speak as a child care professional – not a mother)
    My concern with this ad though is from a consumer’s point of view – how is this really promoting their waffle icecream thingy?? I don’t understand – it just seems to promote sassy pre-teens and the worlds already got enough of those haha

  9. Agnes says:

    I totally agree! Please email the company via their customer service link on their website. I did and got a well-thoughout reply back. In fact, I got the stinking suspicion that the woman agreed with my take on a very inappropriate commercial. They won’t know unless you tell them, so please send them an email. Their email address is [email protected].

  10. Ron says:

    The fact we are having this discussion tells me that if we are seeing this commercial, so are the kids! No doubt it’s airing during kids shows, where it can get maximum bang for the advertising buck. And where we can have intelligent discourse about it, kids that age don’t have the built in filters to know whether this is proper behavior. I don’t have kids, but if I did, I sure as hell wouldn’t want her acting like that. It’s another example of the sexualizing of children. There are just so many influences out there that override parental influence!!

    What message is this commercial trying to send?

  11. Socialiste says:

    Well I think we touch a negative element of being beautiful. Many girls ,I mean young girls, are born cute. They get what they want by whining about everything. When they become teenagers and adults, they continue to do that. They know they act in a ridiculous way, but… it works, they get what they want. What’s disturbing about this commercial is that, well, they ask children to play an “adult game”. When a commercial shows a little girl as a “****ing tease”, there’s a problem. Of course, there’s a reality in life, but showing that it’s ok, for a woman and worst, for a little girl to act like this, that’s wrong.

  12. Olena says:

    I laughed when I saw this add. I thought it is funny. I do try not to read too much into any add… I have two girls too and hope they are not going “to fish” for an icecream, lol.

    Add got our attention – and that was the purpose weather we like it or not. And wouldn’t life be totally boring without controvercial adds?

    I know my opinion is not the most popular one – but that is just it – opinion. When I look at the wast majority of adds on TV or in magazines – they use many images I do not agree with (beauty, sex, stereotypes) – at least this add is funny.

  13. benji says:

    I see nothing wrong with it. It’s cute and it’s silly. Should we teach your daughters that you can get things in life based on looks? No…but if you’re letting a 30 second commercial teach your kids, then you’re the one with a problem, not DQ.

    It’s harmless, people. Don’t overreact for nothing

  14. frugiedh says:

    benji- I don’t think anyone is overreacting “for nothing”. There needs to be ethics and limits in everything including advertising and ESPECIALLY when you are using children in a degrading manner to sell a product. It’s pathetic.

    Your opinion is only that, an opinion. It is not right or wrong and judging other’s opinions by saying that they are overreacting is offensive.

  15. Melissa says:

    I think that ad is off-putting/stupid. It’s a throwback to a different era that I was happy to leave behind. And the girl just comes across as cocky. Yuck. (Four yucks, actually. Everyone in our household hates the ad.)

  16. Talee says:

    really don’t think it’s a big deal, some people will always over react to everything.

  17. MR says:

    Amy, agreed on the sassy pre-teens comment, hehe.

    Really, the commercial would have been better if it ended with her “I don’t response.”

    Up to that it was charming and cute. It lost it’s charm with the “shooting fish in a barrel comment.”

    Anyway. =)

  18. Melanie Spraggett says:

    I think this commercial was a huge waste of money. The lesson this teaches is that you can use your body to get things for free.
    I do not want my daughter behaving that way , let alone in public.

  19. Judith Marsden says:

    This ad is in astonishingly bad taste. How do we let Dairy Queen know that we find this offensive?

  20. Judith Marsden says:


    Here is the link to comment directly to DQ. I have done so.

  21. willowsprite says:

    I agree, it is off-putting. It would have been kind of cute if it ended with the “I don’t.” The snide last remark I could have done without. Why this large-nostrilled bed-headed child thinks she’s God’ gift to boys is beyond me. And the donkey shirt? Well, it really suits him… 🙂

  22. Cheryl says:

    I agree the commercial is inappropiate. My concern though is not only the girl maybe 8 or 9, but the boy seems to be about 11-12 years in age. It sends the wrong message to both genders.

  23. monday says:

    where is miley cyrus when you need her.

  24. Lisa says:

    I was shocked at the ad. As a Mom of a little girl, I am in constant battle with ads, music, and toys trying to make her sexier, older, and manipulative. This girl uses her looks to get what she wants. Such a terrible message. Flirt and simpleton boys will do anything.

  25. Sexist ads suck says:

    It’s the blatant misogyny that ticks me off the most.

    The ad seems to say, “That’s right boys [men], girls [women]are manipulative hussies, only out for what they can get. Never trust a woman, etc. etc.”

    So lame.

  26. Sexist ads suck says:

    Here is what I submitted to DQ:

    Re: “It’s like shooting fish in a barrel” commercial

    I am writing to complain about the tasteless television ad that DQ is currently running, depicting a young girl who manipulates a young boy into buying her ice cream by smiling at him in a quasi-seductive fashion.

    I find this ad offensive for a variety of reasons (poor taste not being the least among them), but mostly because of the negative attitudes the commercial generates towards women.

    Not only does this commercial have an 8 year old girl behaving in an overly sexualized adult way, her behaviour perpetuates the classic misogynistic belief that women “are only out for what they can get,” using their body and the suggestion of sex to manipulate men into giving them material goods and, presumably, money.

    Perpetuating these stereotypes is damaging to women everywhere.

    DQ has run, and is running, much funnier and much more amusing ads in which the humour is not derived at the expense of any particular group or person. I think particularly of the commercial wherein the large, animated DQ lips consume a sundae before the commercial is completed, forcing the director to do a re-take. This commercial, in contrast to the “shooting fish in a barrel” approach, enhances the viewer’s desire for the product (it’s so delicious they can’t even resist it long enough to shoot a commercial for it!) rather than simply relying on a sexist stereotype for a cheap laugh while largely ignoring the product (what a little tramp – what does this have to do with ice cream anyway?).

    Please remove the offensive commercial from the air.

    Yours sincerely,

    Sexist Ads Suck

  27. Anne says:

    I am astonished at those of you who think we are overreacting when we are offended by this commercial. I have a 9 year old daughter and she is no where mature enough to use her sexuality, never mind understand it. The sexualization of children should not go unanswered. It is unacceptable, always. The little girl’s make-up, her demeanor and attitude are something I would expect from a hormonal high school brat, not a child.
    It’s not even about children seeing the commercial and being influenced by it. It’s about the fact that a child is being expected is using sex to sell ice-cream.
    How can this not offend you? I am more worried about those of you that don’t find something wrong with this. What has happened to your perspective and thinking that this is a non-issue for you?

  28. I *hated* this ad when I saw it on TV. My friend (who is a chick) was like: “Yeah!” and me and my other friends (guys) were like: “wtf.”

    It made me not want to go to Dairy Queen or quite a while.

  29. Sabrina says:

    I am glad to hear that it is not just me who was instantly put off by the message. I wonder if DQ did this intentionally to gain negative publicity. After all, negative attention is still attention.

    However, avoiding the place will be my way of giving them attention.

  30. Jennifer says:

    I agree! This ad is offensive and inappropriate. I was shocked when I first saw this ad. What were they thinking? Before commercials are aired, they pass through market groups. What type of sample did they hire to test this ad, I wonder?

  31. Jennifer says:

    I e-mailed the company earlier today and this was their response:

    Thank you for contacting International Dairy Queen, Inc. (IDQ) with your comments regarding our commercial featuring Waffle Bowl Sundaes.
    I am truly sorry that our commercial has upset you and that we have
    disappointed you. Your concerns have been documented and forwarded to all appropriate IDQ personnel for their review. We are taking your comments seriously and will take them into consideration as we review our advertising plans for the remainder of this year.

    Best regards,


  32. Bo Bo says:

    Oh People get a life….its funny and if parents and children a re stupid enough to take it so seriously…then there are a whole lot of TV shows and other commercials you can pick on…..go get an ice cream and shut up

  33. frugiedh says:

    QUOTE- “I agree! This ad is offensive and inappropriate. I was shocked when I first saw this ad. What were they thinking? Before commercials are aired, they pass through market groups. What type of sample did they hire to test this ad, I wonder?”

    I think they hired BoBo and he is going to lose his job for bad judgement. Hey BoBo- everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it’s different than yours – what a concept!

  34. Talee says:

    I just messaged them as well, in support of their ad.

  35. Dez says:

    Wow! It’s just a commercial…people take these things way too seriously! I was not offended by it at all. It’s just a commercial! First Miley Cyrus, now this…do people not have anything better to complain about that they will pick apart an innocent commercial?!?! There are so many other problems out there in the world then just a commercial that was not meant to offend anyone. If you want something to discuss, discuss what’s going on with the world, not some stupid Dairy Queen commercial that is going to be off the air in another month! WOW!

  36. Bo Bo says:

    Way to do Dez!!!

  37. Bo Bo says:

    Maybe we could talk about the garbage people throw in our city, on our streets and our total disrespect for our earth…instead of icecream…..I gotta go to Baskin Robbins today….Dairy Queen sucks anyway….but they do have good onion rings… 🙂

  38. jess says:

    oh jeez it is meant to be funny, get over yourselves and find something better to complain about like world hunger or something that is of some importance. unreal

  39. miss says:

    dumb commercial. bratty kid. who cares

  40. filza says:

    I m pretty much sure that those people who are supporting this ad dont have daughterbvs,and if they do,they dont want to raise them as proper noble girls.And by the way BO BO,Talee,Jess yes there are much more problems in the world.But this commercial should be condemned and concerned about as much as other problems in the world.

  41. arleen says:

    I seen the commercial for the first time yesterday. And that was my first reaction. Like shooting fish in a barrel? So now it’s okay for us females to use our male counterparts to get stuff? come on! this is not what we want to teach our kids.

  42. arleen says:

    Anges: just wanted to say THANKYOU for the link to make a comment. I just sent them a long list of reasons why this ad is innapropriate especially in this day and age where our girls role models are paris hilton, lindsey lohan and britney spears.

  43. DQ ADS SUCKS says:

    @ Arleen: you missed the newest of the duo. Jamie Lyn Spears 😛


  44. Bo Bo says:

    Ok um Filza??? Let me just tell you that I do have children and for you to judge my parenting skills is a bit much….my kids dont watch alot of T.V . You know what I have instilled great morals, character and self respect and knowing the difference between T.V and real life….so while my kids are outside playing and having fun involved in character building activities you plunk your kids down in front of the T.V…..your a great parent!!!

  45. frugiedh says:

    “go get an ice cream and shut up”
    Yes, Bo Bo I can tell that you are just the ideal parent who always shows his/her children how to speak to others in a respectful manner and who allows other people to have a point on view on something even if it isn’t the same as yours. Way to go. I nominate you parent of the year.

  46. amycanada77 says:

    bahaha ….. Boo should post a link to a parents website for all these parents to keep battling it out…

    I see this site as a consumer site and so I keep that in mind when visiting… therefore as I said before from a consumer’s point of view … I just don’t get this ad… it doesn’t promote icecream or dairy queen for me at all.. I believe they’ve done a poor job on this ad

  47. Lisa W. says:

    It also perpetuates the “cute girls” get what ever they want scenario, which is so wrong. They didn’t choose a brunette with glasses or braces but a mini Barbie doll flitting her hair and batting her eye lashes.

    Here’s to my summer of boycotting DQ…if that’s what they’re selling, this consumer (and her ten year old daughter) want nothing of it, or its message.

  48. Stacey says:

    I know some of you think that this commercial is “cute” and harmless…but here are some facts about the current teen culture that maybe you should know (regardless of your stand on this commercial):

    First, did you know that some teens at least as young as 12 if not younger are beginning to form “clubs” where the initiation is to give a guy a hand job or blow job on the school bus or in the school bathroom.

    Second, did you know about what is called a “rainbow” party? This is when a group of young teen girls (yes, even in junior high school) get together with one boy, put different colors of lipstick on and proceed to compete with each other by giving this boy a blow job. The winner is the one with her lipstick color furthest down his penis. This can be a very popular “game” amongst teens these days…depending on the teens.

    Third, did you know that many teen girls are getting the impression that it is effective to use sexual intercourse and other sexual favors as a bargaining chip to get what they want from boys?…whether that be love or material things or whatever else they want.

    I know that these comments might be a bit graphic or uncomfortable for you to read…and I know that all teens are not sexually active or engaging in sex parties or sex clubs…but these are things that are happening in the current teen culture that parents should be aware of and talk to their teens and pre-teens about.

    These are just a few of the reasons why this commercial is not cute…it sends the message that flirting in order to get something that you want is okay. Let’s face it…flirting is the mating dance for humans and it is disgusting to see a little girl doing this mating dance for the little boy…and what is even worse is that she is using it to get something that she wants. It is perpetuating the ideals and ideas that teens and pre-teens are already embracing and it makes me sick. The commercial doesn’t even tell me why I should want a waffle bowl sundae and why it is better than going to the ice cream shop down the street…instead it is simply teaching “Flirting and Manipulation for Little Girls 101”. I have already sent a complaint to DQ and to Advertising Standards Canada.

  49. MAtt says:

    What a great add.
    “Look at me I’m a ten year old whore!

  50. johnny redd says:

    It makes me sad to think about shooting a fish, especially a fish in a barrel…

    Where’s PETA when you need them? [hell I hope]

  51. amycanada77 says:

    To Stacey

    I am a childcare professional and unfortunately I have heard of these games and parties when I was working with children around the preteen age…PRETEEN!! I’m only in my early twenties but definately 10 years ago this was unheard of where I grew up

    it’s disgusting and sad and perhaps it is ads like this that certainly aren’t the root of the problem but they certainly don’t help the problem either…

  52. Stacey says:

    To amycanada77:

    I too have worked with preteens and teens and some of the stuff I have heard is just plain scary and sad!

    ….but I do have some good news…Dairy Queen got back to me and said that they are no longer running the commercial nationally…it might be a small victory, but it is a victory nonetheless! 🙂

    I am still waiting on Advertising Standards Canada to get back to me about their investigation…I’ll keep you posted! 🙂

  53. GiggleStar says:

    yo people seriously get a life and speaking as a TEENAGER I can tell you that half the commercials that come Tv we don’t give a flying hoot about. I mean come on do you really think that us teens let alone little kids are spending our time analyzing commercials plz.I mean don’t get me wrong you all are entitled to your own opinions but honestly I think you guys are blowing this way out of proportion, Peace!!!

  54. Toaster says:

    You think that’s bad, what about the Dairy Queen commercial that encourages kids to manipulate their parents? Check it out on Pointless Planet:

  55. John Doe says:

    Thank you for contacting International Dairy Queen, Inc. (IDQ) regarding
    your concerns with IDQ advertising.

    I am truly sorry that our commercial has upset you and that we have
    disappointed you.

    Your concerns have been documented and forwarded to all appropriate IDQ
    personnel for their review. We are taking your comments seriously and will
    take them into consideration as we review our advertising plans for the
    remainder of this year.

  56. pooscifer says:

    lol@how butthurt you’re all getting. It’s just some trivial DQ commercial, they aren’t trying to send out prophetic allegories about the plight of the average 21st feminist. This is like saying The Simpsons encourages parents to choke their children. The majority of female stereotypes and gender roles exist as a result of conditioning throughout a persons LIFE, primarily parent roles and the people they meet, NOT some frivolous DQ commercial.

  57. Joan says:

    I am disgusted at the recent ad that states ….. “we don’t just make balloons …. we make balloons with kittens inside” I will never visit another Dairy Queen as result – this is very disturbing and offensive with a disrespect for animals.

  58. Joan says:

    just like to add that their is enough animal abuse in this country without Dairy Queen adding to it.

  59. Joan says:

    not balloons it’s ‘bubbles’ just heard it again and every time I hear it I feel sick

  60. Selena says:


    The comments on here are excellent. Thank-You to Love2save for posting this video, as this is the first time I have seen this commercial.
    First of all the sayings like, “Kill two birds with one stone” and the one from the comm. “Like shooting fish in a barrel” are outdated. This is not the 1950s, whoever wrote the ad copy must be a fossil.

    Men and women are still not equal (on a few levels) today, and this ad is just silly. The mum in the ad seems astonished by her own daughter’s craftiness. There are ways the commercial could have been cute. But this type of guys picking up tab for girls behaviour should be reserved for BEER Commercials.

    –> SELENA H.

  61. Jennifer says:

    Dairy queen is soooooo confused ! They’d be smart to stop advertising alltogether so that people might remember they have ice cream and fries instead of 70’s guys and dolphins. yucky yucky yucky

  62. Raf says:

    WTF is with the chest hair, animals and water-skiing? Why the heck don’t they advertise what they are selling? The commercial above is disturbing but I can’t pinpoint why. All their ads are disturbing, even the big lips talking about anything except ice cream. WEIRD !

  63. Spil gratis says:

    I wasn\’t sure what to expect when I saw that the title had the word donkey in it but this is an excellent shot.


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