Do you Etsy?


If you are thinking to yourself right now ‘what’s Etsy?’ then I promise you you are missing out!!

Etsy is a fantastic free online marketplace where you can Buy/Sell items in the following categories:

  • Vintage
  • Handmade
  • Supplies

What does that mean for you the consumer? It means you’ll have hundreds of thousands of kitschy, adorable, funky, artsy items to browse and buy. I mean, I could literally spend days without sleeping on Etsy.

Click here to check out Etsy

Post some of the links to your favorite items in the comments section!

*crayon art found here

65 responses to “Do you Etsy?”

  1. itsjustmebub says:

    My favorite artist: I’ve purchased a few paintings from her, they are to die for!

  2. cmoody8107 says:

    I LOVE Etsy!!!!

  3. Isabella says:

    I love Etsy! For the past few years I’ve done most of my Christmas shopping on there haha. I don’t remember the shop names, but I’ve found some lovely holiday earrings and gift tags.
    My mom, sister and I recently started a little shop on Etsy with some some Twilight themed jewelry. Our shop is: (I hope it’s okay to post the link here)

  4. itsjustmebub says:

    @Isabella: Absolutely! 🙂

    :O “forks” earrings! that’s awesome haha

  5. danoi says:

    I absolutely love Etsy! I’ve purchased many old maps, custom art, jewelry and photographs from the site. To name a few of my personal faves:

  6. Brenda says:

    Can you post the link to the shop that has that melted crayon piece of art you showed?? I LOVE it!! Thanks!!

  7. itsjustmebub says:

    @Brenda: for sure!
    there are many of them, here is the general search:

    my BF and I were inpired and made one ourselves and we love it!!

  8. tthomp47 says:

    @bub: okay, how in the world were you able to make something like that? I came on here to ask the same question as Brenda; but I would love trying to make one myself. How did you do it?

  9. itsjustmebub says:

    the one posted i found at:

    We bought a canvas, crayons, super glue and a hairdryer and were all set!! 🙂
    patiently glued down the crayons one by one … and started melting with the hair dryer … you can’t really go wrong!

    was a cheap project too – canvas about $10, crayons $5 and glue $3

  10. Annie says:

    This website is lad by one busy lady, check out her other sites as well.

  11. 2jk19 says:

    i totally agree!!! I love etsy and could spend days just browsing!!!

  12. itsjustmebub says:

    MY version of the crayon art will be featured on this blog Saturday morning 🙂

  13. faithn says:

    I can’t wait to see your version @bub! I was just about to ask if you could post your end product! 😀

  14. Teri says:

    OMG, I love Etsy! I have bought so many amazing things there!

    This is my favorite jewelry seller, she makes so many beautiful pieces and she is Canadian too!

  15. Cameron says:

    Love Etsy: my wife has a little shop on there where she does custom orders:

  16. NorthernGal says:

    Yes, I sell on Etsy but I also Artfire… check it out. 🙂

  17. Theresa says:

    Etsy is great. I gave up on buying on Ebay and just get stuff on etsy. I have found lots of unique gifts on Etsy. Love it!

  18. mommy2two says:

    Oh i love etsy…

    I have been lusting over this necklace forever:

    Etsy is not good for the old visa card so i try to stay away!

  19. benji says:

    @mommyoftwo, that’s gorgeous!

  20. Abby1 says:

    <3 Etsy!

  21. itsjustmebub says:

    wow some awesome links posted!! 🙂

  22. Bigal says:

    Wow, what a site! What a find! I’m still mesmerized by all the ceramics and pottery and great prices too! I dabbled in ceramics and pottery years ago and highly recomend it. It’s a great hobby and pretty relaxing.Well I guess if anyone is looking for me they will find me on the ceramic and pottery page for a few days anyways. Thanks a bunch for the posting “Itsjustmebub” ! Appreciate it!
    Cheers Bigal

  23. itsjustmebub says:

    @Bigal so glad you liked it! it really IS terrible how addictive it is lol … have fun and see you when you come up for air! 😛

  24. eriluo says:

    Love Etsy! Just like bub, I can stay on there for days straight. Perhaps I need a life, but perhaps I just like handmade wares.

  25. AmberLab says:

    I don’t Etsy, but I see a lot of Etsy stuff on Pinterest. Including various cool crafts like this and how to make it yourself.

  26. itsjustmebub says:

    errrrrrrr LOOOOVE these vintage inspired bathingsuits!!!!

  27. vibrantflame says:

    Oh man, I LOVE Etsy. I actually have to force myself to stay away from there, or I will end up browsing for hours and bookmarking dozens of things that I want to purchase. I think my favorite thing to buy from Etsy is jewelery, because it’s all handmade, unique, and generally you can get some great deals.

  28. Sarah says:

    What a crazyrandomhappenstance, I’m preparing to start an etsy shop next week. I’m also setting my sister up with one to sell her original artwork.

  29. @kk008 Thank you so much for the shout out!

    Great post @itsjustmebub! I have just started my Christmas shopping on Etsy this week.. Here are a few of my faves:

  30. carlyincanada says:

    Awesome post!! Thanks for sharing the links!!

    Just ordered some awesome flavoured lip balms from a local Scer & some cinnamon incense sticks for stocking stuffers! 🙂

    Got my awesome Mega Coupon Holder (as per Anne’s thread in brags) at;

    Will check out the links posted, lol 🙂

  31. Funkymunky says:

    weee so much love in this post hehe 🙂
    and <3 Etsy! I’m a panda enthusiast so my fave seller is


    And if you like earmuffs, this lady makes THE best real fur ones!

  32. andreawtbay says:

    etsy is fabulous! my friend makes the most beautiful hand-sewn pieces (pillows, purses, lamp shades) and hand made cards.
    her etsy site is

    Check her out!

  33. itsjustmebub says:

    awe quotesandnotes i love the birdie necklaces on your first link!!! eeee so cute

    omg funkymunky the pandas!!!!!!!

  34. Funkymunky says:

    @bub – she’s lovely 🙂 she just made a custom order xmas card for my bf 🙂 her nerdy panda in glasses is the best 🙂 I have the T-shirt from that store!

  35. gaga says:

    I love etsy, I found there some good ideas for gifts. for example those trees, we bought one and put money on it and it was original and perfect wedding gift.
    oh and I just made this hat for mu munchkin. they have such a good ideas

  36. amanda says:

    i love the headcoverings from garlands of grace

  37. Meghan R says:

    Don’t forget HEARTSY! It’s like Groupon for Etsy, they have a bunch of deals every day.

  38. edeneh says:

    Check out
    It’s my boyfriends sisters printing company

  39. Funkymunky says:

    ^ the store is empty though

  40. Sara says:

    I’m a bit of any etsy addict! My latest favorite purchase are these…

    Many sellers have facebook pages that if you “like”, you’ll have access to sales and discount codes.

  41. RC says:

    love etsy! and omg….we’re totally making that crayon art. sweet!

  42. Keem says:

    Etsy is awesome! It has so many unique items that I can’t find in stores. 🙂

  43. etsyshopper says:

    I love the knits at this Etsy store. They’re very modern and made in Canada which is rare to see on the site.

  44. Lola says:

    I’m also a huge etsy fan!

    I just ordered DD’s birthday invitations from there. And in the past, I’ve ordered knit hats for both the kids and 2 pieces of Art. Soooo much to love on that site!!!

  45. My sister-in-laws characters are amazing!

  46. nightlite says:

    Greatest kids backpacks ever!

    And this fantastic artist also has her own website which features the kids name alphabet posters:,6

  47. ChristinaB says:

    I LOVE Etsy! I opened my little shop almost 2 years ago! As the single mom of a 3 year old with special needs, it helps keep my mind (and my hands!) busy!
    I sell knitted and crocheted baby hats, booties and photo props for professional photographers!

  48. flowerygreetings says:

    LOVE Etsy!

    Lots of super cute handmade shoes for kids in this shop:

  49. Prairie girl says:

    I have an Etsy shop too:
    I have knit and crocheted items and do custom orders 🙂

  50. Natalka says:

    Thanks, everyone, for leaving links! 🙂

  51. Regina says:

    I love Etsy! So many great things, that no one else will have to give as gifts! I have 3 shops,too!

  52. Ange says:

    Love Etsy! I have been selling there for a few years!
    If you use my return customer coupon code it gets you 10% off, any time!
    Coupon code is: backformore

  53. Funkymunky says:

    lovely stores everyone! thank you 🙂

  54. Charlene says:

    Etsy is the best. I just started selling some of my repurposed furniture pieces through my own shop on Etsy… check it out, you might find something interesting, like a vintage suitcase repurposed into a chair, or a hat box repurposed into a side table… I have lots of fun doing it too 🙂


  55. NobleArc says:

    I’ve bought tonnes of stuff off of Etsy.

    My favourite was:

  56. itsjustmebub says:

    @ Charlene: … WOW!!!

  57. Josephine says:

    I crochet! Here’s my shop:

  58. Charlene says:

    @ itsjustmebub … thanks, I just love making things new again (at a fraction of the cost). I have a 25% off sale running this month for anyone who is interested 🙂

  59. itsjustmebub says:


  60. Asma says:

    We’ve got some great Canadian sellers on Etsy too !

    Check out this pretty jewelry shop:


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