Walmart Canada Coupons Policy Changes (New)

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walmartThere has been a rumour going around that Walmart Canada stores have now followed in the foot steps of their USA Walmart Neighbours in regards to their Coupon Policy.

Unfortunately this is some bad news for us couponers. Many people rely on coupons and sales now a days to make ends meet. So it looks like the new Walmart Canada Coupon policy will allow Walmart Canada stores to put a limit on the amount of coupons and number of coupons per transaction we can use. They want to limit the amount of identical coupons we use per transaction s well.

They can also prompt for a supervisor once our coupon savings hit $50 OR we use 4 or more coupons per transaction that have a $5 each value or more. They can also reject any Buy One Get One coupons that do not have a printed price. Walmart has also stated that they will only be accepting one coupon per item, which means no stacking!

Although Walmart Canada does not have a written coupon policy, this appears to be the guidelines that the stores have received. What does this mean for us?

What is your opinion on this Walmart Canada coupon policy change?

10 responses to “Walmart Canada Coupons Policy Changes (New)”

  1. Cheryl says:

    Walmart Canada does not have a coupon policy. You are thinking of the American Walmart.

    Walmart Canada only has a coupon GUIDELINE, which is the basic rules of using coupons- must have a Canadian remittance address, must have a clear barcode (even though they don’t scan), one per item, etc. They don’t even share the guidelines publicly. Each individual Walmart location is responsible for setting their own rules further to what the guidelines state. One might limit the number of coupon, another might not. In order to know the specific rules for a location, shoppers must talk directly to their store manager or supervisor.
    This is why you won’t find a Canadian policy on their website. It does not exist.

    • FallenPixels says:

      Agreed, while many stores follow the US policy (which is where this change was made) as their guideline, their policies differ a lot even within a single city
      I asked in my store yesterday and they had not received this update from Walmart

  2. SS says:

    I’ve noticed this kind of thing when I’ve been at my location lately. They would only let me use one smart source coupon and made me do another transaction for the second one…it’s happened a few times actually. Also, many cashiers having to get a Manager to ask them, ‘do we accept this?” Answer is always yes but…takes longer during checkout now, that’s for sure.

  3. H says:

    I’m fine with them limiting the amount of coupons. There have been so many times where the shelves have been cleared! Who really needs 80 bottles of shampoo?

  4. Bugga says:

    Whatever, I’m so tired of walmart and their ever changing policies. I can’t keep up with what the current policy is so I will happily take my flyers and PM at No Frills.

  5. torontogal12 says:

    This is going to affect a small amount of people, I think. I never get close to $50 worth of coupons in one transaction. And with coupon values being reduced, it is rare to get coupons worth more than $5, let alone have four of them.

    Walmart has never allowed stacking as far as I know.

  6. Crazy says:

    You can thank the people that march their happy selves into Walmart and load up their cart with 25+ of ONE item and then use a coupon (usually a tear pad that they “traded for” uh huh!!).

    People need to stop being greedy and use what they will consume in a reasonable amount of time. There will be other sales. No one, IMHO needs 20 loaves of bread or 25 tooth brushes at one time.

  7. Patrick says:

    I experienced this new policy recently. I price-matched quite a few items and then used almost $100.00 in coupons to bring my total down. The cashier gave me no problems but did require a CSM approval which she did with a smile and no issue either. The majority of the coupons were used to make donations to charity.

  8. s says:

    Couponing in general is a hassle…. even more so at wal mart. Ive moved away from it and use food prep services and then I only have to shop for lunch snacks and I usually do so at shoppers when I get THEIR email coupons which are great!
    Coupon stacking was never allowed at wal mart. So whoever was doing that and getting away with it is one of the people whos ruining it for the rest of us.

  9. H says:

    It’s not really charity if you are giving free stuff (usually junk food and samples) to the hungry.


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