If you’re a movie junkie, this movie package deal is for you! The Cineplex Night Out movie package includes 2 adult admissions, 2 regular drinks and 1 regular popcorn for $19.99 (43% discount). It is valid at all Cineplex theatres including Famous Players, Cineplex Odeon and Galaxy Cinemas everyday of the week for every film. …Read More
David just referred me to an awesome website, Flyertimes.com, which displays flyers from a huge number of Canadian stores. Check it out here. Thanks David 🙂
I always found searching for store flyers online very tedious. I therefore went flyer hunting and compiled a list of many Canadian flyers below. All you need to do is click on the name of the store and you’ll get directed to that store’s flyer 🙂 I hope you like this list. Canadian Flyers A&B …Read More
Just a couple of quick samples for Canadians: Free Green Tea Bags Free Giant Soup feeds 23 (you have to pay shipping and handling though). It’s still a pretty good deal.
StudioTax is a bilingual (English and French) personal Income Tax preparation program made by Canadians for Canadians. StudioTax is goverment certified and unlike, QuickTax and TaxWiz, StudioTax is free. I personally found it very easy to use 🙂 You can download StudioTax also known as Studio Tax from here.
You might find some of these catalogues useful. Please only order catalogues that could be of some use to you. They will get post mailed to you free of charge 🙂 Readers Digest – books, music and video catalogue Barbie Collector – latest Barbie dolls, celebrity and retail dolls Pearsons – teacher’s classroom resources Little Tykes …Read More
 Logitech´s Wireless Headphones for iPod® use advanced Bluetooth® frequency hopping technology for interference free, crystal clear audio. Digital wireless technology provides over 30 feet of range, and rechargeable batteries can play up to eight hours per charge. These headphones include a wireless adapter that snaps onto your iPod or iPod mini, plus integrated controls …Read More
Magazine junkie? Here are some free magazines 🙂 Please only subscribe to magazines that you are genuinely interested in reading.  Minwax – project ideas mag Aqua – spa and pool mag PetaKids – kid magazine on pets Links – the best of Golf mag Chef’s Healthy Salads – an “alive” mag Collections – Canada Post publications Guide Posts – Canada’s …Read More
DQ is just one of my favourite restaurants. I can never resist an Extreme Chocolate Blizzard nor can I avoid their delicious Grill Burgers. To share my DQ love with other Smart Canucks I’ve posted  some valuable offers and coupons: DQ Cheeseburger Deals 2 Cheeseburger $3.00 2 Double Cheeseburger $4.00 Get a free DQ Blizzard You …Read More
Went Freebie hunting and here are some free items I came across: Goodlife Fitness Club trial Pack of 18 lens cleaning towelettes from Lenscrafters New Downy Plus Whitening Softener sample Three Free Ontario Clean Air posters Sample of Eye Q Smooth Free Subscription to Gaming Monthly Magazine I added the rest of the freebies in …Read More
SmartCanucks.ca is a new website that is committed to making it easier for all Canadians to find deals, offers, discounts and freebies both online and at Brick and Mortar stores all over Canada. If you come across a hot deal while shopping please post it in our forum. If you’re looking for good deals please …Read More
You’ve guessed it right! We’re Canadian, we’re smart and we’re addicted to shopping, deals and freebies 😉 We’re a bunch of smart Canucks living all across Canada. Here are the smarty pants behind SmartCanucks.ca: Boo Radley I’m a PhD candidate at Queen’s University and my hobbies include travelling, shopping (yes shopping!) and computer-related activities. If …Read More