Anne Dougherty
Here is the official SmartCanucks coupon match up list for the sale week that ends November the 1st. Another week of sales is upon us and as always there are plenty of great deals with coupons across the country, so make sure to check out our list before you head out shopping. You wouldn’t want …Read More
It is hockey season, and the Provigo & Habs portal featuring PC Plus loadable bonus offers is back! Each time the Habs win a game, there will be new PC Pluc offers added to the portal for you to load to your account and use. We will let you know when new offers are available, …Read More
Some really fabulous Kellogg’s coupons are available, and these will probably not be available for long, so click the link below to visit this special portal where these are currently available. Here are the three coupons that you can get your hands on while they last: Save $1 on the purchase of Rice Krispies Squares …Read More
We have yet another new coupon available through our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal. Save $1 on the purchase of any Natrel lactose free product with this coupon. To locate it, you may have to select the Natrel brand from the drop down menu and click go if you don’t see it on the main …Read More
The upcoming No Frills Ontario flyer has some amazing dollar deals that you are not going to want to miss out on. This flyer is valid from the 26th of October, through to November 1st. While looking through the flyer you may want to make note of any PC Plus offers that you currently have …Read More
Get 20x the points when you spend $50 or more on nearly anything in the store at Shoppers Drug Mart Canada, this Saturday, October the 28th, 2017. There is a two day sale in this flyer as well, with the prices in effect on the Saturday and Sunday. Here are some of the items that …Read More
A brand new coupon can be found by visiting our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal this afternoon. Save $1 on the purchase of Baileys coffee creamer when you print and use this coupon on your next purchase. You will have to select the Baileys brand name from the drop down menu as this coupon is …Read More
Thus far we have two flyer sneak peeks for you today. We may have more before long, but for now you can start your shopping plan of attack for the upcoming week with this early look at the Real Canadian Superstore and Freshco Ontario flyers,valid October 26th to November the 1st. Click the links below …Read More
Most of us will be be consuming a little bit more candy than we might normally indulge in next week, with Halloween happening. Healthy food doesn’t cancel that out of course, but if you’d like to pick up some “better for you” fare next week when shopping, Real Canadian Superstore once again has their popular …Read More
Allen’s has a great new promotion when you purchase any specially marked 1.89L apple juice product. Under the label of these specially marked juices, will be a code for a FREE personalized photo calendar, 8.5×11″, valued at $48! The free code does also cover the shipping, making this an amazing deal for spending a couple …Read More
We have a very early look at the ToysRUs Ontario flyer for you! Click the link below and you can preview the complete flyer on our forum, valid from the 27th of October to the 3rd of November. There are plenty of half price deals in this flyer, valid for three days, October the 27 …Read More
It is getting to be that time of the year when discounted gift cards are highly sought after, both for gift giving, gift purchasing, and just for personal use. Next week, Shoppers Drug Mart Canada has a great deal on Canadian Tire gift cards, from October the 28th to November the 5th. As shown in …Read More
Head over to quickly by clicking the link below, and you can claim your coupon for a free box of Kellogg’s All-Bran Multi-Grain Crunch cereal! The coupon will go quickly so don’t miss out on ordering this mail to home free product coupon. There has been no shortage of free cereal coupons lately, but …Read More
It’s stock up time for those of you who need diapers at Sobeys Ontario this week. Until the 26th of October, Pampers Super Pack or Giga Pack diapers in sizes 1-6 are on sale for $16.99. This is a huge savings of $14 off the regular price, and certainly worth grabbing a few boxes. There …Read More
We have your list of deals on baby items in the flyers for this week until October 25th. Feel free to let us know if you spot a great deal! Save on food & formula diapers & wipes toiletries furniture and more. Click here to view the list.
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