Canadian Deals: Back to School Promotion

Thanks Madwhack for this lovely deal 🙂

Apple free ipod nano

Buy an Apple computer directly from and get a free 2G iPod Nano (after a $250 mail-in rebate). Or you can use your mail-in rebate for any other iPod of higher value and pay the difference in price.

This Apple offer is applicable when purchasing a:
– MacBook
– MacBook Pro
– iMac or
– Power Mac G5

You will also get Apple’s student education discount.

If you were planning on buying an Apple laptop this is one sizzling hot deal. However, I wouldn’t personally buy a MacBook right now and would rather wait for Apple to release its Merom chip MacBooks this fall.

More details about Apple’s Back to School Promo here.

For Windows users…. believe it or not you can now run Microsoft Windows on Macs using Boot Camp. Crazy I know! Here is more info about running Windows on Macs.

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Canadian Deals: Back to School Promotion

Canadian Deals: Back to School Promotion

One response to “Canadian Deals: Back to School Promotion”

  1. Apple is reportedly planning to shepherd its existing iTunes subscribers into the company’s upcoming iCloud service, by initially offering them to make the online pilgrimage at nada cost.


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