Canadian Gamers: Defense Grid The Awakening $5 at Steam

Defense Grid Canada

I think I’ve been spending way too much money on Steam’s splendid series of  game offers lately. Today Steam has a hot deal on Defense Grid: The Awakening for only $5 USD. I’ve never played this game before but skimming through the reviews it’s clearly well worth the 5 bucks.

This game actually reminds me of the Tower Defense Game which we have in SmartCanucks’ Arcade section. I’ve been holding the high score on there for over a year now and I challenge anyone to break it 😛

Click here to order Defense Grid The Awakening from Steam

One response to “Canadian Gamers: Defense Grid The Awakening $5 at Steam”

  1. Jim Squires says:

    $5 is an amazing deal for this. I wrote a review of this last fall that you can check out here;

    I’m a bit of a tower defense junkie. If you like the genre, I’d also recommend you check out Ninjatown on the DS.


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