has some new coupons for you savvy shoppers. Head over to the SmartSource SmartCanucks coupon portal and print out the newest coupons, such as:
- $1 off any one Baby Mum-Mum or Toddler Mum-Mum product.
- $1.50 off any one Mum-Mum Snax Rice Crackers product.
- 75¢ off any flavour of Del Monte.
Mum-Mum snacks are a great way to introduce your little one to sold foods. Their rice crackers dissolve easily, and taste great for babies. There are no artificial flavours or colouring, and they’re gluten, egg, and peanut free. Best of all, they’re individually wrapped and don’t make much of a mess, so clean up is easy for you!
You will be permitted to print two of each coupon per computer. SmartSource coupons generally expire 1 month after printing them, but some may last longer.
Click here to print out the newest coupons from the Smart Canucks SmartSource coupon portal.