This Saturday, September 10th visit your local Addition Elle store and receive 50% any blouse purchase if you are an Elite member. If you haven’t signed up yet you can simply do so in store to receive the discount. Click here to browse the blouses
This Saturday, September 10th visit your local Addition Elle store and receive 50% any blouse purchase if you are an Elite member. If you haven’t signed up yet you can simply do so in store to receive the discount. Click here to browse the blouses
Today and tomorrow only at Addition Elle online get 15% off all online orders of $100 or more. Use promo code AE15100 at check out to get your discount. Shop Addition Elle online here. Valid until September 1st 20111 only. At Penningtons now until September 17th 2011 you can buy 1 get 1 for …Read More
The fall clothing line is now available for purchase and to celebrate is offering an extra 20% off on all orders until August 17th. Simply enter the code “AE20Pre” at checkout to receive your discount. Penningtons has a ton of $5 $10 $15 dollar deals in their sale section. Shipping is $7.50. If you happen …Read More
Today, August 7th and tomorrow August 8th earn an extra 15% off your entire order online only with Addition-Elle’s friends and family sale. Use coupon code: AFF15 Also remember that all tees and camis are on special for Buy 2 Get 1 FREE. Click here to shop … Happy Shopping!
Until July 25th 11:59pm est save 20% off your entire order, including clearance. Simply enter the code “24HRS” at checkout. They have tons of markdowns and clearance items right now. Click here to shop at is having a great summer sale! Save up to 70% off and save an extra 15% by entering the code “15promo” at checkout. They have some really cute shirts on sale, but they are in the regular non clearance section. I highly suggest you take a good look around all the different sections to …Read More
Addition-Elle stores are hosting a huge lingerie clearance event for the entire month of July in store and online. Click here to shop online for styles such as: Thanks annedougherty!
Online only until July 2nd 11:59 est save 30% off at Penningtons and Addition Elle Canada. is a womens clothing store that carries size 12+. They always have stylish finds for the women who aren’t popsicle sticks. Simple use the coupon code “CANADA” at checkout. Click here to browse.
Hey look at that … MORE lingerie sales …. this time it’s Addition-Elle running a sale starting today until July 2nd online and in-store. Click here to shop online So long as we are discussing Addition-Elle I would just like to say: enough with the skinny, famished looking models … this real woman is stunning. …Read More