New printable coupons are now available for Scotch brand and Post-It products. These coupons may come in handy this time of year as we head into the holiday season where you may be wrapping gifts, etc. Click the links below for these coupons to save you $1.50 off your purchase when you buy 2 Post-It …Read More
Huggies Canada has some brand new printable coupons for you, totaling $10.50 in savings on a variety of products. However, if you share the coupons, they will increase in value. Here is a list of the available coupons and savings: Save $2.00 (Share and it turns into a $3 coupon) on any one (1) package …Read More
If you shop at Home Hardware Canada, here is a printable coupon you may want to use. Until January the 18th, get a 50th Anniversary Home Hardware reusable shopping bag for only .85 with this printable coupon. You are permitted to purchase up to five bags at this price per customer. You may show this …Read More
SaveONEnergy has updated their site with new energy saving coupons for Ontario residents for the new year. The following coupons are valid until December 31st, 2014: Save $5 on single or multipack Energy Star LED bulbs Save $3 on single or double packs Energy Star Specialty CFLs Save $5 on multipacks of 3 or more …Read More
Purchase two salted Lucerne Butter 454g at Safeway Canada for only $5 with this printable coupon. The offer is valid from August the 9th to the 15th, and there is a household limit of two. Click here to print your coupon and to like the Safeway Canada Facebook page for more offers.
Spend $60 or more at Petcetera Canada and get $20 off your purchase with this printable coupon. This offer is valid Friday August the 9th and Saturday August the 10th. There is a limit of one coupon per Petcetera member. Click here to print your coupon.
There is a new printable coupon available through the Enfamil printable coupon portal. Save $10 on the purchase of two Enfamil A+ 6x 237ml Ready to Feed Packs. Click here to print this coupon and to view other offers from Enfamil Canada.
More Rewards Members can save $10 on Pampers or Huggies diaper boxes, 72 – 132 count with this printable coupon. The coupon is valid at the following stores until June 6th: Save on Foods PriceSmart Foods Cooper’s Foods Overwaitea Foods You must present your More Rewards card in addition to the coupon. Click here to …Read More