Tag: chicken coupon

Canadian Coupons: $10 Of Coupons Inside Uncle Ben’s 1.6KG Rice

The $10 worth of coupons on tubs of Uncle Ben’s converted rice are back again this year, however this time you may be slightly disappointed that the $4 chicken coupon is no longer. Thank you to forum member ottawa for posting the details of the coupon on our forum, which are as follows: Save 2$ …Read More

Printable Coupon For $2 Off Any Exceldor Product *Quebec/Maritimes Only*

There is a new coupon for $2 off the purchase of any Exceldor product available for Quebec & Maritime residents/shoppers.  This coupon expires March 31 and specifies that you can use more than one per transaction (but one per item). Exceldor products  are sold in all large supermarket chains in Quebec and in numerous supermarkets …Read More


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