There is currently a glitch with this coupon that Dempster’s is trying to sort out, so keep an eye on the Dempster’s Facebook page today for the link to be up and running. The coupon is for $1.50 off the purchase of two Maple Leaf Foods, Prime, Dempster’s, or Ben’s products. Click here to become …Read More
Go quickly and order this new high value coupon valid on any pack of Dempster’s Bagels. Save $1.50 on your next purchase of Dempster’s Bagels with this new mail to home coupon available through Coupon is for Ontario residents only. Click here to order yours.
Dempster’s Canada is giving away 25,000 coupons for their new Farmhouse Country White Bread, available only in Ontario. They are currently experiencing issues and I was unable to claim my coupon a moment ago, but keep checking here to claim your coupon.
Dempster’s Bread are offering a $1 Websaver coupon for Dempster’s White or 100% Whole Wheat bread through their Facebook Page. It is one of those portal coupons where it is better to log into Websaver before clicking on Facebook, and there is no minimum number of coupons needed to mail the $1 Dempster’s Coupon. For …Read More
I think a lot of us already “like” the Dempsters page on Facebook because of the great giveaways and coupons they have had in the past. And now they’re doing it again! This time they will be giving away their bagels. This is great for me because bagels are pretty popular in my house. This …Read More
Dempster’s wants you to try their NEW and IMPROVED bagels, so much so that they’re offering a $1 off coupon through Click here to get your coupon via webSaver. Unfortunately, you’ll have to order a minimum of 3 coupons before the Dempster one can be mailed to you!
In honour of Canada Day, Metro (ON) has released an awesome printable coupon. When you buy any Dempter’s Tortilla or Pita (any size, any variety), receive a free loaf of new Dempster’s Whole Grains Canadian Century Grains (680 g). This coupon is valid until July 2, 2011. I’m always eager to try whole grain bread, …Read More
In the Price Chopper (ON) Oct. 1-7, 2010 flyer, Dempsters Hotdog or Hamburger Buns are on sale for $0.99. Use your Save $1 on any Dempsters Buns coupon and get it for free! I know that the coupon amount exceeds the cost of the product but I’ll try to use mine anyway, it can’t hurt …Read More
Collect 6 UPC’s from any participating Dempster’s, Ben’s, or Villaggio products, mail in $6 for shipping and handling and you could get a free Thermomaster BBQ spatula. It looks like a nice little apparatus to have around for the summer. Thank you to couponlady for sharing this offer with us! For more information about this …Read More
Take a short (9 questions) quiz about fibre and your health. At the end of the quiz, select “See your score”. On the top right-hand corner there will be a small rectangle that says “Free Dempsters Healthy Way Product”. Click on that, then fill out your information. *Allow 4 to 6 weeks to receive your coupon. Limit of …Read More
Dempster’s is giving away 10,000 Hamilton Beach Toastation Toaster and Oven (approx retail value $60) when you collect 12 entry codes from any participating Dempster’s products, plus $18 shipping and handling. Personally, this isn’t something I would do because if I need a toaster oven, I would just go out and buy one. But, if …Read More