Tag: dove

Canadian Coupons: Save $3 on Dove Colour Care *Printable Coupon*

Save $3 on the purchase of Dove Colour Care hair care with this printable hidden coupon available through Smart Source. You are limited to two prints per computer but get this one while you can because these coupons will likely make these products free when they are on sale. Click here to access the coupon …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $4 on Dove Go Sleeveless and Shick Hydro Razor *Printable Coupons*

Take the Dove Go Sleeveless Challenge to get access to these 2 Hidden SmartSource printable coupons: save $2 on the purchase of Dove Go Sleeveless products, and $2 off the purchase of Schick Hydro Silk Razors. Click here to print your coupons through the Dove Canada Facebook page.

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