is sponsoring another contest! I love their reusable bags not only are they functional but they are super mod and trendy. I had the opportunity to try out a few of the diffent styles of their eco friendly bags I like and use them all. I think my favourite is the Envirosax reusable bag because there are more patterns to keep things …Read More
Our friends over at ECOcentric reusable eco bags are offering another great sale! For a short time save 50% off on all reusable bags. Simply enter the code “ECO50SALE” at checkout. They also announced new lower shipping rates. Shipping on orders under $60 are only $4.95 and over $60 are free. I love ECOcentric bags, …Read More
First of all, thanks to everyone who entered. It was a very fun contest with over 700 unique entries. If you would like to shop don’t forget to use the code “SMARTCANUCKS30” at checkout to save yourself 30%. Remember shipping is free over $60. Click here to check out Anyways, on to the winner. The …Read More
I am so excited that is sponsoring another contest! I love their reusable bags not only are they functional but they are super mod and trendy. I had the opportunity to try out a few of the diffent styles of their eco friendly bags I like and use them all. I think my favourite is the Envirosax reusable bag because there are …Read More
Haven’t entered the ECOcentric eco bag contest for a $60 gift certificate? No worries, you have until March 15th to enter. Please click here for the rules and to enter. Just want to shop now at Ecocentric Bags? Simply use the coupon code “Smartcanucks30” to save a sweet 30%!
Today is the last day to enter the contest for a $50 gift certificate to If you haven’t entered yet here is the link to enter. I will announce the winner tomorrow. Good luck everyone!