Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, August 3rd in individual stores as listed below: AB, Calgary (wow 25c slippers?!) AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa (wow Ottawa … way to go all out) ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, July 27th in individual stores as listed below: AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam (sorry guys Ikea likes to make you wait) BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan (wow REALLY … a whole $1.50 off a cutting board??) …Read More
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, July 20th AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington (no deal yet) ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, July 13th AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam: (*updated) BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, July 6th. I will update the list as they add more locations with special deals. BC, Richmond ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, June 29th AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam (no deal this week) BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, June 22nd AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, June 15th AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, June 8th AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa (these bookcases are amazing!) ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, May 25th … AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan (oh not the ugly chair again!) QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
*bump for sale today* Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, May 18th … AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam (great deal for that bed! love it!) BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid only Wednesday, May 11th … AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan (really? best they can do?) QC, Boucherville (Best overall deal this week I think) QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid this Wednesday, May 4th … AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville (eek… there’s that creepy chair again!) QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid this Wednesday, April 27th … AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
Here are your weekly Wacky Wednesday IKEA deals valid this Wednesday, April 20th … AB, Calgary AB, Edmonton BC, Coquitlam BC, Richmond ON, Burlington ON, Etobicoke ON, North York ON, Ottawa ON, Vaughan QC, Boucherville QC, Montreal
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