Tag: kraft singles

Kraft Canada Coupons: Save $1 On Bull’s Eye BBQ Sauce and $1 On Kraft Singles Bold *Printable Coupons*

The Kraft Canada coupon portal has two brand new coupons that you can head on over and print. Visit the portal through the link below where you can sign in to access the following: Save $1 on the purchase of Bull’s Eye BBQ Sauce 425ml any variety Save $1 on the purchase of Kraft Singles …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save On Kraft Singles and All Natural Peanut Butter

Two great coupons are back on the Kraft Canada What’s Cooking coupon portal, so if these are coupons that you can use it’s a good idea to print them off before they disappear again. The two coupons that you can print again are the following: Save $1 when you purchase one package of Kraft Singles, …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On Kraft Singles *Printable Coupon*

The Kraft Canada What’s Cooking coupon portal is a great place to check for coupons for your favourite Kraft products. April is National Cheese Month, and although I think every month should be National Cheese Month, you can celebrate by printing this new coupon for $1 off the purchase of Kraft Singles. It’s almost time …Read More

Canadian Coupons: New Coupons Available Through Kraft What’s Cooking *Printable Coupons*

Three new coupons have just been added to the Kraft Canada What’s Cooking printable coupon portal. Sign in to your account, and you will see that the following coupons are now available: Save $1 on the purchase of any one package of KRAFT SINGLES Process Cheese Product (450g, any variety) Save 50 cents on the …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $1.25 When You Buy Kraft Singles And Campbell’s Soup *Printable Coupon*

A quick and easy dinner that is comforting when you come in from the frigid cold is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Here is a brand new coupon from Kraft Canada that can help you save on that very meal. Save $1.25 when you purchase both Kraft Singles 450g-900g, and Campbell’s Ready To Serve Soup …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On Kraft Singles, Cheez Wiz, or Velveeta *Printable Coupon*

There is a new printable coupon available through the Kraft What’s Cooking webSaver.ca printable coupon portal. Save $1 on the purchase of any Kraft Singles, Cheez Wiz, or Velveeta product. This coupon is valid on all formats of these products, sized 450g-1kg. You must sign in to your Kraft What’s Cooking account before you can …Read More


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