Tag: lindt

Canadian Coupons: $1.50 Off Lindt Chocolate

Lindt are holding a contest for free chocolate but the first 20,000 people get a coupon for $1.50 off any 100-200g Classic bar of Lindt.  To get the coupon, an email will be sent to you once you enter which you must click on then it sends another link with the coupon.  My emails were …Read More

Lindt Outlet Midnight Madness Sale (Feb. 11th – 9 PM)

From Lindt Chocolate Canada’s Facebook Wall: Trying to figure out what to get that special someone? Look no further…Lindt has the answer! Come in to one of our Lindt Outlet Boutiques on Friday February 11th starting at 9pm for last minute Midnight Madness deals where you’ll find the perfect gift! Choose from a wide selection …Read More

Lindt Chocolates Friends & Family Event: Nov. 25 – 28, 2010

Lindt Chocolates is having a Friends & Family Sale on Nov. 15-28, 2010. Luckily, Dealfreak has emailed us this exclusive invitation so we can all get in on this delicious deal. Locations for the Lindt Boutiques as well as their phone numbers are printed on the invitation. Click on the image to print. Big thanks …Read More

Lindt Outlet Boutique – 50% off (until october 10th, 2010)

From their Facebook page – Due to the overwhelming response, the Lindt pick ‘n mix chocolate sale has been extended one more week! Sale ends October 10th, 2010! This is a great time to stock up on some yummy chocolates (Lindt is the best. Mmmmmm!) for Christmas gifts or even as some snacks for Thanksgiving! …Read More

Free Lindt Chocolate!

Here’s your chance to win something decadent. Zellers is running a colouring contest for children 14 and under. The prize is a 1,000 gram milk-chocolate bunny supplied by Lindt & Sprüngli (Canada) Inc. There are a total of 279 Grand Prizes will be awarded in this contest. (I am presuming one per participating store). Now …Read More

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