Tag: michaels arts and crafts
Michaels Canada has a new Event available today: Family Make Week – Butterfly Puppet Garden. A week of screen-free fun with a new event each day inspired by backyard discoveries. Its ALL FREE, even the supplies! Kids 3 and up can enjoy creating a puppet garden . Parent or guardian must remain on premises during the event. …Read More
Michaels Canada has a new Event available today: Family Make Week – Woven Turtle. A week of screen-free fun with a new event each day inspired by backyard discoveries. It is ALL FREE, even the supplies! Kids 3 and up can enjoy creating yarn turtles. Parent or guardian must remain on premises during the event. This …Read More
Michaels Canada has a new Event available today: Family Make Week – Sparkling Dragonflies. A week of screen-free fun with a new event each day inspired by backyard discoveries. Its ALL FREE, even the supplies! Kids 3 and up can enjoy creating dragonflies . Parent or guardian must remain on premises during the event. This event is …Read More
Michaels Canada has a new Event available today: Family Make Week – Toad House. A week of screen-free fun with a new event each day inspired by backyard discoveries. Its ALL FREE, even the supplies! Kids 3 and up can enjoy creating a toad house . Parent or guardian must remain on premises during the event. …Read More
Michaels Canada has a new Event available today: Make Break Fruit-Abulous Mason Jar. Paint a mason jar to look like your favorite fruit — it’ll look almost sweet enough to eat! Buy the mason jar, and the supplies to decorate it will be provided. This event is available today, June 1, 2019, from 1:00 pm – …Read More
Michaels Canada has new Events for June 2019! Today, the events include: Kids Club: Saturday, June 1, 2019, from 10:00 am-Noon: Fruit Canvas: Let your kids explore their creativity while you shop! $3 per project, ages 3+, supplies included. Sessions starting every half hour from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. See a store associate to join …Read More
Michaels Canada has a new Event available today: Make Break Red & White Pom-Pom Wreath. BuyMake your own fluffy pom-poms out of yarn for this wreath showing your national pride! Buy the wreath base, and the supplies to decorate it will be provided. This event is available today, May 25, 2019, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 …Read More
Michaels Canada has new Events for May 2019! Today, the events include: Kids Club: Saturday, May 25, 2019, from 10:00 am-Noon: Red & White Cookie Decorations: Let your kids explore their creativity while you shop! $3 per project, ages 3+, supplies included. Sessions starting every half hour from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. See a store …Read More
Michaels Canada has a new Event available today: Make Break Baseball Slime. Buy the plastic jar, and the supplies to decorate and premade slime will be provided. This event is available today, May 18, 2019, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Click here to find Michaels store near you
Michaels Canada has new Events for May 2019! Today, the events include: Kids Club: Saturday, May 18, 2019, from 10:00 am-Noon: Mama & Baby Birds’ Nest: Let your kids explore their creativity while you shop! $3 per project, ages 3+, supplies included. Sessions starting every half hour from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. See a store …Read More
Michaels Canada has released their new coupons plus in-store weekly flyer’s new deals! These Michael’s offers are valid in-store until Thursday, April 25, 2019. As usual, Michaels has new coupons that include: Coupon: Save 45% off One Regular Price Item. Valid Friday, May 17, 2019, through Thursday, May 25, 2019. Coupon: Save 50% off ALL …Read More
Michaels Canada has new Events for May 2019! Today, the events include: Kids Club: Saturday, May 4, 2019, from 10:00 am-Noon: Flower Frame for Mom: Let your kids explore their creativity while you shop! $3 per project, ages 3+, supplies included. Sessions starting every half hour from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. See a store associate …Read More
Michaels Canada has a new Event available today: Make Break Tie Dye T-Shirt. Take a t-shirt from plain to patterned and bright! Buy the t-shirt, and the supplies to decorate it will be provided. This event is available today, April 27, 2019, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Click here to find Michaels store near you
Michaels Canada has new Events for April 2019! Today, the events include: Kids Club: Saturday, April 27, 2019, from 10:00 am-Noon: Spring Showers Art: Let your kids explore their creativity while you shop! $3 per project, ages 3+, supplies included. Sessions starting every half hour from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. See a store associate to …Read More
Michaels Canada has a new Event available today: Make Break Egg-cellent Banner. Make a banner filled with cute, colorful paper eggs for Easter. Buy the scrapbook paper, and the supplies to decorate it will be provided. This event is available today, April 20, 2019, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Click here to find Michaels store …Read More
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