I may not be the biggest fan of Walmart Canada, but I am loving their coupon portal, as I’m sure you are as well! There are a couple more brand new additions to the portal today, again for General Mills products. Sadly these are not FREE product coupons, but they are buy one get one …Read More
And as anticipated, the latest General Mills free product coupon is now available for order through the Life Made Delicious portal as well! This means that yes, you can order yourself a couple of these coupons. Just a reminder that the coupon is valid on one day only, this one being August the 7th, 2015. …Read More
This almost seems unbelievable, but there is yet another free coupon available for General Mills products! This one is only available through the Walmart portal right now, and if it does pop up on Life Made Delicious we will let you know. This is another coupon that is valid for one day only, so mark …Read More
So, now that you have ordered your free General mills coupon for Chex, Fibre 1, or Nature Valley Muesli from Life Made Delicious, be sure to stop by the Walmart Canada coupon portal, because just as it was the case with all of the other free General Mills coupons, this one is also available through …Read More
It’s raining free product coupons from General Mills! Here is yet ANOTHER free coupon that you can order from Life Made Delicious for a free new product from General Mills! This coupon is another one of those valid one day only coupons, but hey, I’ll take it, as I’m sure most of you will. This …Read More
Wow! General Mills is spoiling us with free product coupons lately! Go quickly and get a coupon for a free Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley product. The coupon is available through Life Made Delicious and is a mail to home coupon, so you will need to sign in to your account. The coupon is valid …Read More
General Mills Canada has several promotions currently going on for free products with purchase, so if you were going to purchase any of these products, make sure you keep an eye out for specially marked packaging! The first promotion involves General Mills cereals. Specially marked packages will have a peelie coupon for a FREE Yoplait …Read More