Today only, save 30% when you shop online or in-store at Old Navy Canada. Tomorrow, this deal is reduced to 25% and on Monday 20%. To take advantage of this discount, enter ONTREAT at checkout online or print this coupon to use in-store (you can also show on your cell phone)
Today through Friday, save 15% off any purchase or 20% when you spend $75 or more at Old Navy Canada. Use promo code ONSAVEMORE at checkout or print your coupon here to use instore. This deal excludes the sale on Rockstar Jeans and girls skinny jeans, but you can try to win three pairs of …Read More
Thru December 20th 11:59pm save 20% off your Old Navy purchase by entering the code ONRUSH20 at checkout. Offer not valid on international purchases. Offer not valid on Old Navy Sweaters and $7 Jingle Jammies merchandise. Click here to check out Old Navy