Tag: P&G Smartsource

The SmartCanucks SmartSource Canada Portal: P&G Product Coupons, Save on Pampers, Tide, Gillette, Venus & More!

You can visit the SmartCanucks SmartSource Canada portal to get some new P&G coupons. Take a look at the list below to see what SmartCanucks SmartSource has to offer: Save $2.00 when you buy any one Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Save $1.00 when you buy any one Pampers Wipes product Save $2.00 when you buy any one Pampers Diapers or …Read More

The SmartCanucks SmartSource Canada Portal: P&G Product Coupons, Save on Gillette, Venus, Pampers, Tide & More!

You can visit the SmartCanucks SmartSource Canada portal to get some new P&G coupons. Take a look at the list below to see what SmartCanucks SmartSource has to offer: Save $2.00 when you buy any 1 Metamucil product Save $2.00 when you buy any 1 Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner or Styler or Treatment Save $1.50 when you buy any 1 Pampers Baby …Read More

P&G SmartSource Canada New Coupons: Save $63 on Brands Including Old Spice, Pampers, Tampax, Olay, and More!

P&G SmartSource Canada has a new round of coupons available where you can save a total of $63 on popular and best-selling brands including Pampers, Tide, Charmin, Cascade, Always, and many more! Take a look at these offers below: Save $1.50 when you buy any ONE Pampers Baby Dry Diapers Save $1.50 when you buy …Read More

P&G Everyday Canada Printable Coupons: Gillette, Always, Pampers, and more!

P&G Everyday Canada has just released its newest printable coupons which include home care, fabric care, personal health, and beauty items. To get the coupons you will first have to log in and add your favourite coupons to your basket, then click “View Basket” to see your coupons and click “Print.” A SmartSource window will …Read More

P&G Smartsource Canada Coupons: Tide, Charmin, Always, Pampers, Duracell, Gillette, Crest, Dawn, Bounty & more

There are a ton of fantastic coupons list on the P&G SmartSource Canada website. There’s a whole range of items from house hold items, personal care items, snacks, and more! Check out the list below for an idea of what SmartSource has in store for you. Buy 1 Get 1 Buy one free Sparkling Fruit2O Save …Read More


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