RestoraLAX Canada has a coupon out right now that will save you $3 off on your next purchase of any RestoraLAX product. To receive this discount, simply print out this coupon and head into any dealership that sells RestoraLAX products and you will save $3 on your next purchase. This coupon expires on December 31st, 2015. …Read More
RestoraLAX Canada is currently offering you the chance to try out their product for free, with the only input needed on your part being that you need to fill out a simple survey. Once you have filled out the survey, and supplied your mailing address, you will receive your 3 trial sized samples for free …Read More
RestoraLAX Canada has a coupon out right now that you can use until December 31st, 2015 and it will save you $3 off the purchase of any RestoraLAX product. All you will have to do is print out and present this coupon, and then the retailer who is selling the RestoraLAX to you will have to …Read More
***FREEBIE!*** RestoraLax Canada wants to help you restore your body’s natural rhythm! In exchange for answering a short four question survey, you will receive a FREE Trial Sized Sample of RestoraLAX! This Freebie offer from RestoraLAX Canada is only available while quantities last, so hurry! You will receive 3 trial-size sachets per person. You can …Read More