Tag: test drive

Test Drive a GM Car, Receive A $25 Gas Card: Toronto & GTA

Until October 31st, when you test drive any vehicle at a GTA GM dealer, receive a free $25 gas card! Limit one gas card/customer. It may be a good idea to inquire about the deal before you make the effort to get behind the wheel! This is great if you’re going to test drive a …Read More

Mazda Canada: Test drive a Mazda and receive a $50 Gas Card! *Last Day*

I just got wind of this deal and unfortunately, tomorrow’s the last day! During Mazda’s Best Clearance Event which ends August 31st, test drive a Mazda and receive a $50 gas card to Petro-Canada. This promo ad for the event does state that quantities are limited, so you may want to check with your local …Read More


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