Tag: Unilever
It’s been a while, but the Unilever Canada coupon portal has been updated with one brand new coupon for a Dove product. It is currently the one and only coupon available through the portal, and you can click the link below to access this coupon for $2 off when you purchase any one Dove Scrub …Read More
There are few coupons that are currently available through the Unilever Canada coupon portal, including a new coupon for $1 off the purchase of Hellmann’s mayo. This portal was a great source of coupons in 2024, and hopefully that continues this year. There are two other coupons that you can print as well, and they …Read More
The Unilever Canada coupon portal has a new Dove coupon available, and this one is for baby products. Save $1 off on your purchase of any Baby Dove product, 144g, 384ml, or 591ml. You can get one print of the coupon per browser, or you can load it to your WebSaver wallet using the offer …Read More
The Unilever Canada coupon portal has a recent addition for Dove hair care products. Click the link below for this latest coupon for $1.50 off when you purchase any Dove shampoo or conditioner. The coupon is valid on all sizes of Dove shampoo and conditioner, including 355, 750, or 950ml. The only option for this …Read More
The Unilever Canada coupon portal has a new coupon that you can print. Head over to the link below and you can print this new coupon for $2 off the purchase of Dove 3x or 4x bar soap. The image of the coupon shows that it is $1 off, however, when printed the coupon is …Read More
Unilever Canada has a new promotion that has just begun, and if you spend $30 or more on Unilever products you will receive a $10 Walmart gift card. To participate in the promotion, visit any Walmart from now until November the 20th and spend $30 on qualifying Unilever products in one transaction. You can then …Read More
It’s been some time since the Unilever portal has added new coupons, but there is now a new one that you can print. Visit the portal through the link below and you will find a new coupon for $1 off the purchase of any Dove Shampoo, Conditioner, or Treatment product. There are currently no coupons …Read More
The Unilever Canada coupon portal has a couple of new coupons available for Hellmann’s and Knorr products. Visit the portal through the link below and you can print these two new coupons for $1 off the purchase of any Hellmann’s product, and $1.50 off the purchase of any Knorr Rice or Pasta Cups. The Knorr …Read More
A new Dove coupon is available through the Unilever Canada coupon portal, and this coupon is for $1.50 off your next purchase of Dove Men+Care Skin Cleansing Products. This coupon is valid on all varieties, with the exception of 141g, 532ml, and 88ml. There is a cashback option for this coupon, so you can load …Read More
A new coupon is available from Unilever Canada, and this one is for $2 off the purchase of any Axe product. This coupon is valid until the December the 31st 2024, but it may not be available for long through this portal, so get your coupon while it lasts through the link below. You can …Read More
The Unilever Canada coupon portal has a brand new Dove coupon available, and this coupon is for $2 off the purchase of any participating Dove 0% or Advanced Care Antiperspirant 74-113g. This coupon can be printed, and it can be added as a cash back offer to your WebSaver account. You can use both offers, …Read More
The Unilever Canada coupon portal has had an update, and a couple of new coupons have been added. The first new coupon available is for $1 off the purchase of any Hellmann’s product. The second coupon is for 75 cents off any Knorr Bouillon, excluding Bovril and OXO. Unfortunately these coupons are not available on …Read More
The Unilever Canada printable coupon portal has a couple of new additions today. Visit the portal through the link below and you will find the following two new coupons: Save $2 when you purchase any one Dove Whole Body Deodorant Save $1 when you purchase any one Vim Cream The Dove Whole Body Deodorant is …Read More
The Unilever Canada coupon portal has a new addition this afternoon, and you can save $1.50 on Magnum Dark or White Chocolate Almond with the printable coupon available through the link below. This coupon is not available as a cash back option though, so your only option is to print it. You should be able …Read More
There is a new collection of Axe Body Sprays, and there is a new coupon available that you can use t0 try them! Click the link below to visit the Unilever Canada coupon portal, where you will find a coupon for $2 off the purchase of any Axe Fine Fragrance Collection body spray. The new …Read More