Tag: vh steamers canada

Metro Ontario: Healthy Choice or VH Steamers Bonus Air Miles Offer

Beginning March the 14th, Metro Ontario has Healthy Choice Gourmet Steamers or VH Steamers on sale for $3 each. There is also a bonus air miles offer of 50 bonus air miles when you purchase five of these products. If you were to purchase five at $3 each it would cost you $15 and get …Read More

VH Sauces 49 Cents Each This Week at Metro After Coupons And Bonus Airmiles

Metro Ontario has great deal on VH Sauces this week! They are on sale for $2.49 a bottle from May 31st to June the 6th, and you will receive 50 bonus Airmiles with the purchase of 5 bottles.  There are $1 coupons in this weekend’s Red Plum coupon insert (check your local newspaper) that you …Read More

Get a $5 Amazon.com GC When You Take A Survey For VH

Hurry to participate in this one! VH wants to hear what you think about their Facebook page. Get a $5 Amazon.com gift card for taking their shirt ten minute survey. Click here to take the survey.


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