Conquer your new years resolutions by shopping at Whole Foods, and save with some coupons, which can be used at any Whole Foods locations in Canada, for the month of January 2016. Coupons available to be used at all Whole Foods locations across Canada this month include: Save $1.00 off any one Cookin’ Greens Product …Read More
Whole Foods Canada has some new coupons to help you save on your next shopping trip! Whole Foods typically specializes in natural and organic foods and products, so their prices tend to be a lot higher than your typical grocery food chain. However these coupons will help you get some savings on some of their …Read More
While you may not typically associate Whole Foods Canada with a place where you can save a lot of money, they do offer printable coupons that can save you some money on some of their more popular (and expensive) products. These coupons are all print at home coupons, and they will expire on July 30th, …Read More
While Whole Foods Market Canada is not typically known for being the most inexpensive grocery store, as I’m sure many of us can attest to, they’re current offer of coupons may have some deals on items that you wouldn’t normally be able to find at your local grocery store. For instance, they currently have a …Read More
Whole Foods Canada has some great printable Coupons for Canadian health nuts! Each Month there is a variety of new coupons to choose from and here is a list of August 2014 coupons: $1.00 off any 1 Blue Diamond 1.89L Almond Breeze Beverage $1.00 off any 1 Pacific Natural Foods 32oz Non-Dairy Beverage $1.00 off any …Read More
Whole Foods Canada has some great printable Coupons for Canada! Each Month there is a variety of new coupons to choose from and here is a list of July 2014 coupons: $1.00 off any Blue Diamond 1.89-L Almond Breeze Beverage $1.00 off any Pacific Natural Foods 32-oz Non-Dairy Beverage $1.00 off any Greek Gods Yogurt $1.00 …Read More
The Whole Foods Market is offering new printable coupons for great money saving opportunities on products available in their latest edition of the Whole Deal in-store value guide. Click here to find a Whole Foods Market near you! Coupons include: $3 off any 1 Diva Cup $2 off any 1 Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap …Read More
There are printable coupons available from Whole Foods Market, valid in their stores until June 30th 2013. Here is the list of available coupons: Blue Monkey Coconut Water 520mL 6-pack or (6) 520mL cans – $1 off Earth Balance Organic Coconut Flavour Spread – $1 off Fresh or Frozen Gardein Products – $1 off any …Read More
Every Tuesday in the month of May, get selected items for only $2! Quantities while supplies last. The items listed on the poster are for the Whole Foods near my house. I’m not sure if the toonie items vary from store to store, so you may want to check it out yourself personally. Great healthy …Read More
Anne D has a great list this week again. Click here to check out the best grocery round up in Canada. Remember to check back for more.
If you have a Whole Foods near you, the Canadian stores are now offering printable coupons! So you might want to check them out…before planning a grocery trip there. And frankly, especially at regular price, anything helps! Click here to check out their coupons.
Thank you kindly to the amazing Fallen Pixels for putting together a list of all the produce and staples deals around the country. These deals will be valid from December 30th – January 6th. Click here to view the list in our Canadian Shopping Deals and Flyers Forum
Fallenpixels has done another great job bringing you Canada’s best grocery and produce deals list. Click here to check out her list so far.
The Living Social+Whole Foods deal is baaack! Definitely legit as I was able to redeem my voucher the last time. I just had to speak to 2 different supervisors and WF did convert the USD –> CAD, so it wasn’t fully $20, but still a great deal nonetheless! 🙂 Just as long as you have …Read More
To celebrate Whole Foods’ near location, just right outside of Square One (Mississauga), the store is hosting some festivities tomorrow from 8:30-10am, ***Wednesday, August 10th***. The festivities include some demos, vendor samplings, prizes, music, & more! I’m sure that there’ll be some things for children to do as well. 🙂 This will be a great …Read More