Weight Watchers WW Canada has a good offer to help you get healthier and lose weight. Save 50% + FREE Cookbook.
- Save 50%: Get a discount of 50% when you purchase a 3, 6 or 12-Month Digital, Digital 360 or Unlimited Workshops + Digital Commitment plan by September 13, 2021 (11:59pm EST). Plans auto-renew at the end of the applicable plan period, and you will be charged monthly thereafter at the standard monthly fee (currently $24.99 for Digital, $34.99 for Digital 360 or $56.29 for Unlimited Workshops + Digital) until you cancel. Offer available to new members only. For Unlimited Workshops + Digital: Some in-person workshops are currently virtual.
- Free Cookbook: Receive a free cookbook when you purchase a 6 or 12-Month Digital, Digital 360 or Unlimited Workshops + Digital Commitment plan by September 13, 2021. To receive the free cookbook, eligible members will receive an email within 14 days of joining to redeem at Weight Watchers. Coupon has no cash value and expires on October 31, 2021 (11:59pm EST). While supplies last.
Click here for more information on WW Canada.