If you were looking to subscribe to the National Post any time soon, then NOW is the time as they are offering a $100 ESSO Gift Card with a 1 year subscription … and we all know how outrageously expensive gas is these days!
Thanks fallenpixels!
If you were looking to subscribe to the National Post any time soon, then NOW is the time as they are offering a $100 ESSO Gift Card with a 1 year subscription … and we all know how outrageously expensive gas is these days!
Thanks fallenpixels!
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So, $289.80 for 12 month subscription with $100 in an Esso gas card. Alright, not bad (net $189.80). But…
$150 for the same 12 month subscription and a $40 Petro Canada gas card instead (net $110). Less than $10/month after including the gas card for 6 day a week home delivery.
$70 savings over the $100 Esso gas card offer. Enjoy……. 🙂
Who reads hard-copy newspapers anymore?…Especially since news is always current online – and one can get it up to date on their phones, or internet at home?
The $$$ spend on the ‘post’ could be used to upgrade your internet service for the year to the next higher speed for $10/mth….
Just my two cents
There are still people out there who like to read the hard copy and even still people out there who don’t use the internet that often *shock* especially to just read news. I appreciate all the posts of special deals. Just because I’m not interested in them doesn’t mean others out there aren’t.
Just my two cents.
I guess it is good for people who don’t have computers, for example: my parents, they are older and they like reading the paper, as the news on tv is sometimes to quick for them (language barrier)
Why does it say “up to $100”? Is there some catch to get the full $100?
I prefer to read the hard copy, but the main reason many of us subscribe is to get the coupons inserts. Great deals, David and fallenpixels.
Notice how it says “Up to $100″….meaning $100 isn’t guaranteed.
It’s $100 if you get a full year subscription. There are other offers instead, like half year and you get $50, etc. But the VisaPerks deal is way better if you really are interested in subscribing.
Personally I like reading the real paper because you don’t need to have a screen in front of you. Sure, online is great but when you want to sit in a chair with a cup of tea, well, a real paper is much nicer. But of course, to each their own.
It also is $50 if you live in an area where digital copies are only available…..I think it was $119 for the year with the $50 card…..
If you are a CAA member then you can subscribe to National Post for 6 months for $9.99 per month plus you will receive a $40 Petro-Canada gas gift card. So for a six months subscription you will end up paying only $20.
Visit the following link for more details: