10000 Bonus PC points when you spend $100 (July 30 – Aug 13)


From July 30 – August 13 when you spend $100 or more at the retailers listed below AND pay with your PC Mastercard or PC Debit Card you will receive a bonus 10,000 PC points which is equal to a $10 redemption.

Participating stores:

  • Loblaws
  • Real Canadian Superstore
  • Fortinos
  • Independent
  • Valumart
  • Zehrs

This will be an In-Store Coupon available near the front door on the coupon board.

Thanks Melody113 for suggesting this deal!

7 responses to “10000 Bonus PC points when you spend $100 (July 30 – Aug 13)”

  1. anisa says:

    is it me, or is this worse than the last time, which was even worse than the time before.

    they keep offering the same type of promotion, but with less and less points as your ‘bonus’

    and now you need to remember to grab the coupon while you enter the store.

    correct me if i’m wrong, but this doesn’t seem to be as good a deal as the original 20x the points deal.

  2. itsjustmebub says:

    i rarely get out of there without spending $100 so hey it’s $10 off next time which works for me!

  3. Alice says:

    Which store do you shop itsjustmebub?
    We have both 3 choices in our area.

  4. itsjustmebub says:

    fortinos usually

  5. Wildarm says:

    They closed the giftcard loophole on the x20 points event. Anyone seen if they have a no giftcard disclaimer on these coupons? I wouldn’t mind stocking up on gas and grocery gift cards again. 10% back in PC points ain’t bad.

  6. Angie says:

    God forbid they should offer it in any other province other than the ‘great’ Ontario 😛 Once again the West Coast gets the shaft.

  7. tracey says:

    havent even seen the coupon at my local superatore donmills and egl


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