1800Flowers.ca Promo Code Offer: $10 Off on Your Order of $49.99 or More


1800Flower.ca currently has two promo code saving offers that, while they can’t be stacked, can still save you a fair amount of money depending on the exact bouquet you have your eyes set on.


The first promo code that they are offering is a $10 off promo code, SAVE10, on all orders that are $49.99 or more. This promo code would work well on orders that cost anywhere between $49.99 and $66.99. You may wonder why this promo code would cease to be relevant after orders of $66.99, and that is because there is another promo code, SAVE15, that will save you 15% off on your entire order no matter the size.


Take this Shades of Purple bouquet, which would make a wonderful Mother’s Day bundle, as an example for how the two promo codes work better depending on the price point of your order. A small bouquet of these flowers would cost $69.99, but with the SAVE10 promo code they would only be $59.99. However, when you use the SAVE15 promo code, the flowers would be $0.50 less than the previous order, as with the 15% off the flowers would only cost $59.49. This trend will only continue as the flowers get more and more expensive.

The rule of thumb that you can apply if you are planning on ordering from 1800Flowers.ca, is that if your order is below $49.99 or above $66.99, then you should use the 15% off promo code, and for all the orders that fall in between, you should use the $10 off promo code.

1800Flowers.ca does not offer free-shipping, instead they offer a standard flat-rate of $14.99, with special delivery days sometimes costing $4.99 more.

Click here to begin shopping online at 1800Flowers.ca.

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