50 Airmiles When You Buy 5 Uncle Ben’s Rice or M&Ms Products At Metro Ontario

Canadian Deals & Coupons

Metro Ontario are offering 50 bonus Airmiles (worth over $5 in cash redemption) when you buy 5 selected Uncle Ben’s Rice or M&Ms products this week.

There are coupons available for $0.50-$1.00 off Uncle Ben’s Sauce & Rice, $0.75 off Bistro Express and $0.50 off selected products including many of the ones shown.

Alternatively, take advantage of the M&Ms movie offer and get two free movie tickets with eight pouch tops.  The M&Ms can however be found cheaper elsewhere.

4 responses to “50 Airmiles When You Buy 5 Uncle Ben’s Rice or M&Ms Products At Metro Ontario”

  1. KyleSmith says:

    Amazing. Time to use up those Uncle Ben’s coupons and rack up a lot of air miles!

  2. Tammy says:

    Do you think it will work with the buy one Bistro Express and get an Uncle Ben’s rice for free I have a couple of those coupons. I wonder if anyone has tried that before during bonus events and got their points.

  3. FallenPixels says:

    Yes, I do it all the time. Unless it is a store coupon where there is a PLU that tells the system that it is specifically for that item, the system has no idea what manufacturer coupons are for.

  4. Draggy says:

    Can you cash in you air miles like 95 =$10 and still get the 50 bonus air miles?


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