Air Canada Black Friday Seat Sale: Bigger Than Black Friday Seat Sale, Sample One-Way Fares as Low as $85


Air Canada is jumping on the band wagon and giving away great deals this week on one-way flights within Canada, with some one-way fares dipping as low as $85; this fare was from Victoria to Vancouver, so for those of you making that trip in the near to distant future it may be worth checking out.

Unlike the West Jet seat sale that we posted about the other day, the Air Canada Black Friday sale is only within Canada, but they are offering no restrictions on the specific time of day which you are allowed to fly to take advantage of the offer, whereas West Jet was.

The only conditions to this offer is that you must travel between January 5th and February 12th and your booking must be made before December 1st at 11:59pm EST. In addition to this, the dates of travel for which you are allowed to use this deal are only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.

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As you can see from the sample of one-way flights from Vancouver, you can really be saving some mad cash in this deal if you’re flexible about your dates and days on which you are flying. You could even try to compare flights with West Jet’s offer, which also ends on December 1st, and potentially find a combination of the two deals to get the cheapest flights available.

Click here to begin shopping the Air Canada Black Friday seat sale.

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