Air Canada: Save Additional 15% with Holiday Promo Code!

Canadian Deals & Coupons

Until December 31st, save an additional 15% off any Tango or Tango Plus flight!

Travel until November 30, 2012 when you book with this promo code: P6CPN831.

Click here to start booking.

6 responses to “Air Canada: Save Additional 15% with Holiday Promo Code!”

  1. Insane says:

    These promo codes emailed were 1 time use for personal use. It does not work.

  2. Stephania says:

    The email states, “Here’s a personal promo code to save an additional 15% to use until December 31 or pass the savings along to a friend.” So I don’t think these are 1-time use codes.

  3. bibi says:

    It say,”A system error has occurred. Please try again later. null”

  4. SourCherry says:

    Continue reading your email…
    “Your personal promo code can be used at for a one-time savings of 15% off any Tango or Tango Plus fare to anywhere Air Canada flies.”

  5. Jonathan says:

    I also received the email, with a different code. I plan on using it. Flights from Halifax to Orlands for $84 one way….total of $324 return taxes in 🙂 Just in time for March Break.

  6. Cedric says:

    I want that toy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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