The Air Miles Shop The Block promo will return this year, and run from November the 17th to the 27th. Earn up to 2000 bonus Air Miles when you complete offers from different retailers. Here are the different levels of miles that will be earned depending on how many offers you complete:
- Complete 3 offers and earn 300 Air Miles
- Complete 5 offers and earn 1000 Air Miles
- Complete 7 offers and earn 2000 Air Miles
Last year you were able to complete seven offers with no restrictions, and this meant you could do multiple offers at different retailers. Although the website is not yet up and running, some who have seen the booklet and the coupons and reporting that the wording does say that you must complete seven offers from DIFFERENT retailers, which certainly makes it more difficult, but likely still well worth it to participate in the promotion.
You may be able to find the coupon booklet at participating retailers, but do check back at once website is live on November the 17th, as there will be many more offers there that aren’t found in the booklet. When completing an offer always be sure to read the fine print thoroughly as some offers will require a coupon, while others will not.
Click here to visit, and again keep in mind it is not live yet, but will be up by November the 17th.