If you live in Ontario you have a great chance to earn 35 BONUS Airmiles by participating in an online survey for Ontario Health who is conducting one of the largest health studies in the world.
Apparently it takes approx 30 mins to fill out, however I usually breeze through them faster than that.
Normally I’m all for Airmiles surveys, but they asked for permission to access my personal medical files!
took me about 18 mins
Anyone know how long it will be available? I’ve been meaning to do it for awhile, but that hasn’t happened yet.
Offer exclusive to the first 114,866 Ontario resident AIR MILES Collectors who register for, complete and submit the Ontario Health Study’s online questionnaire or by 11:59:59 p.m. on January 20, 2012
If u like the govt and researchers going through ur health info so that they can make reports that no one reads and most of that info is already known, eg. Smoking is bad for u, then this is how u can participate
Thanks for posting this! The questionnaire didn’t take long to fill out and the questions didn’t go into very much detail (<<< Less time-consuming and imposing)
I was good for the first couple minutes til they asked for my health card number. . .no way.
You don’t have to give your health card number. It is an option.
thank you very much , it really worth it alot of points!
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but Air Miles ain’t (sic) what they used to be. There was a time, before Christmas, when I’d go onto their website, and buy gift certificates to Starbucks, The Keg, Chapters, etc. Gone. All gone. Go ahead: Google “Whatever happened to Air Miles rewards” or someting similar, and you’ll see all sorts of forums on the subject. If you happen to see the complaints on the actual Air Miles forum, a moderator will answer with some standard song and dance about “providing the best variety, blah, blah.” I’m very disappointed with the Air Miles reward program now.
well worth 35 airmiles especially now that airmailes has the cash option…thank you for posting
they didn’t ask for a health number?? or maybe it was an optional tab as i certainly didn’t give mine!!
To those of you complaining that they are accessing your health info, you don’t understand how health research is done. They aren’t just trying to tell you that smoking is bad, they are attempting to get a huge sample size in order to identify health issues that may have not been previously known. There will be major findings as a result of this study in 10 years or so due to the the large numbers of participants. Google Framingham Heart Study if you want to see what a study of this scope is capable of determining. 35 airmiles is a nice bonus, but people should want to participate to help others in the future.
I was ok with it all til they asked for the names of people outside my home to contact if I were not available. Why would they want that????
Melissa – that information is optional and I believe they want that info for a follow up or perhaps as independant confirmation of the info submitted (at least thats my guess(….but it is optional
@ Tina – precisely! couldn’t have said it better myself.
Hmm! seems like we share the same point of view.
This survey was very easy to complete. I took me a good 20 minutes to finish. I hope some interesting findings will be done by having over 100,000 participants complete the study. The 35 air miles was certainly a bonus. Please note that you can keep many personal things out of the survey by indicating that you prefer not to answer (this is great for those that want to participate without disclosing everything).