Deals: Mega Bloks Hot Wheels Super Stunt Speedway Now Only $20, Save $26.30!

Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 11.39.58 AM is selling the Mega Bloks Hot Wheels Super Stunt Speedway for a remarkable 57% off its retail price of $46.30, meaning you only pay $20. This hot deal is only available for a limited time, or while supplies lasts.

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As you can see, for a Mega Bloks set that’s only $20, the Hot Wheels set is quite extensive in the options it offers your child to customize and reconstruct to their own imagination. It also includes two mini figurines, a turbo tire launcher to set the racing cars off at top speed, and an adjustable ramp. offers free-shipping on orders $25 and over, so this item with shipping would cost you $29.35, meaning you will still save $16.95.

Click here to being shopping at for the Hot Wheels Mega Blok Super Stunt Speedway set.

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