Kindle Wi-Fi, 6″ E Ink Display For Just $49 Today Only


There have been so many Kobo offers recently, but if you are more of a Kindle person (and there are better offers on ebook pricing for Kindles), has a great deal for you.  Get the Amazon Kindle for just $49 today when you enter KINDLE49 at checkout.  The price is valid on this model only and while supplies last or until end of day.  It ships direct from and qualifies for free supersaver shipping so you can ship for free and not worry about any duty fees.

Kindle – small, light, and fast:

  • Less than 6 ounces (170 grams) – lighter than a paperback, fits in your pocket
  • New darker, hand-tuned fonts for easier reading
  • Reads like paper with no glare, even in bright sunlight
  • Up to one-month battery life on a single charge
  • Download books in 60 seconds with built-in Wi-Fi
  • Holds over 1,000 books – take your library wherever you go
  • Massive book selection and low prices. Over a million titles are $9.99 or less
  • Supports children’s books and includes new parental controls

Click here to buy the Kindle for just $49. I love my e-reader and I am sure most readers would appreciate one at this price.

4 responses to “ Kindle Wi-Fi, 6″ E Ink Display For Just $49 Today Only”

  1. hogama says:

    Still available…. Thanks for the ‘heads up’!! I hope my mother likes it! haha

  2. cathy says:

    If you want to borrow library books on your ereader avoid the Kindle.

  3. Moe Hunter says:

    Is this the smallest reader? Or is it the standard size or Normal size e-reader?
    Thanks OP

    • FallenPixels says:

      It is 6 inches, pretty standard for a basic ereader
      The Kobo Mini is 5″
      Kobo Touch is also 6″
      Most of the tablet ereaders are 7″


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