If you got a new Xbox for Christmas or missed out on the Costco in-store deal on Xbox Live Gold memberships, Amazon has a great offer today. Get a 12 month physical card for only $44.11 (regular store price of $59.99) and play together with friends online or enjoy the other benefits Gold membership has to offer.
This is a physical card and is shipped by Amazon. Since it is over $35, shipping is free even without Prime so unless you want your card ASAP you are getting one of the lowest prices online in a while. Your membership not only allows you to play online, but includes exclusive discounts of up to 75% in the Xbox Store and bonus games or addons.
Click here to order your 12 month Xbox Live Gold membership.
You claim to have the 12 month Xbox gold live membership for $44.11 but when you go to Amazon to purchase it, it’s actually $52. How can this be? Where’s the integrity? How can I actually get for the amount advertised?
Amazon prices are updated every few minutes, when a select number sell out or the time on the promo is up, they go back up
Hahaha, Integrity? Geezz, people need to chill a bit, its the new year!! Well, just wanted to know, if there’s a discount code we’ve missed or the ad was mistaken. If this was true, it would have been a good deal