Amazon Canada Today Only Save 60% on Jackie Warner: Personal Training with Jackie 3-Pack

Canadian Deals & Coupons



Today’s one day sale items at Amazon is the Jackie Warner: Personal Training with Jackie 3 pack of DVDs.  It includes Power Circuit Training, Xtreme Timesaver Training and Crunch-Free Xtreme Abs.  The DVD set was originally priced at $49.98 and is now on sale for $19.99, which is  a 60% discount.  In order to qualify for free shipping you will have to bump you order up to $25, but I never have trouble finding something else I want on Amazon.

Click here to check out the Jackie Warner DVD set.

One response to “Amazon Canada Today Only Save 60% on Jackie Warner: Personal Training with Jackie 3-Pack”

  1. CSLT says:

    Thanks for posting! I’d been looking at trying one of her dvds in the past but wasn’t sure which one and they were expensive, so this is awesome!


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