Expanding + Free Shipping On Orders $25+

I just received a notice that is not only expanding, but they are also offering free shipping still on orders of $25+!

Their expansion includes electronics, watches, and housewares. I wonder if they’ll ever be on par with’s selection? Hmm…

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10 responses to “ Expanding + Free Shipping On Orders $25+”

  1. rob says:

    as good as this sounds i find most electronics I’ve searched for (looking for a new camera) was $30 to $100 more expensive then bestbuy/futureshop, I’m sure there are good deals, but the stuff I’ve serched for is all more expensive.

  2. alex says:

    i got a great deal on kitchen electronics, their deep friers and toaster ovens are way cheaper than canadian tire etc

  3. Jessica says:

    I wish they would get the selection of .com. Especially for kids stuff.

  4. Eric says:

    They’ve had free shipping on orders over $25 for a while. Some things may be cheaper at stores, but many of the DVDs are cheaper at What I don’t like is how many of the same items are cheaper on the US site. Did notice that the full series of Beast Wars is 50 cents cheaper on the Canadian site though, lol.

  5. SillyBilly says:

    I wish they would get more kid stuff like .com

  6. Stahr says:

    I would love to see them carry food. They have a wonderful selection of Gluten Free food but it does not ship to Canada. Not sure why, as some of it is actually made here, but my fingers are crossed!

  7. Heroin says:

    I wanted a Joseph Joseph cutting board that I found on .com for $24.95, and was very surprised to find it on .ca for $18.95. Paired it with some Wilton gel food colouring for a free shipping of $25.30. I was tres pleased with .ca this week!

  8. Alex says:

    I’m confused by this announcement. They’ve offered free shipping on $25+ orders for many months now (they were the first online retailer to do so for us Canadians) and the content in the store looks pretty much on par with what they’ve been offering. They’ve offered Watches, Kitchenwares and other Misc Electronics for a long time now. The last “new” thing they added was Tablets.

    Are there additional things that they plan on adding? Where did Stephania hear this announcement?

  9. Ray says:

    @Eric: Beast Wars was the best!

  10. Jaybank says:

    If they ever start selling shoes I’m in T-R-O-U-B-L-E.


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