Thanks Couponlady for putting this together.
Babies R UsGerber baby food 10 for $5
Enfamil A+ concentrate with omega 12s or Ready to feed with omega 16s $40.77
Pediasure 4s $8.47
Pampers boxed diapers $27.97
Baby Mum Mum 4 for $6
Nestle baby cereal 3 for $10
Huggies boxed wipes 320-360s $9.97
Huggies big pk diapers $18.97
Extra Foods
Nestle baby cereal 2 for $6
Pull Ups or Goodnites $14.99
Pampers or Huggies value pk diapers size 1-6(72-152s) $24.99
Enfamil A+,Enfapro A+ or Nestle Good start with omega formula powder $24.99
Pampers or Huggies club size wipes $12.99
Pampers Easy Ups or Underjams mega pk $14.99
Heinz baby food $0.60
Teddy’s Choice club pk diapers size 3-6(88-148s) $19.99
Enfamil,Similac Advance or Nestle Good start formula powder 900g $19.99
Pampers or Huggies mega wipes refill $5.99
Pull Ups or Goodnites mega pk $14.99
Johnson’s baby needs or Naturals $3.99
Milupa cereal $3.49
Teddy’s Choice club pk diapers size 3-6(88-148s) $19.99
Enfamil,Similac Advance or Nestle Good start formula powder 900g $19.99
Pampers or Huggies mega wipes refill $5.99
Pull Ups or Goodnites mega pk $14.99
Johnson’s baby needs or Naturals $3.99
Milupa cereal $3.49
No Frills
Huggies mega wipes refill $4.99
Similac infant formula powder with omega $24.97
Real Canadian Superstore(ON)
Pampers or Huggies mega wipes refill $5.79
Teddy’s Choice club pk diapers size 3-6(88-148s) $19.79
Enfamil,Similac Advance or Nestle Good start formula powder 900g $19.79
PC Organics rice rusks or rice biscuits,toddler puffs or corn snacks,apple blends or toddler cookies $1.99
Heinz junior food or PC Organics junior food 5 for $4
Real Canadian Superstore(west)
Nestle baby cereal 2 for $6
Pampers Easy Ups or Underjams $14.99
Rexall Pharmaplus
Poly,Tri,Di Vi sol or D drops $41.99
Orajel toothpaste $2.99
Milupa cereal 2 for $6.99
Nestle Good start with omega powder $28.99
Rexall brand baby accessories 25% off
Playtex or Gerber baby accessories 20% off
Johnson’s baby needs $3.99
Burt’s bees or Live Clean baby needs $1 off
Zincofax cream 100-130g $6.99
Rexall brand baby wipes tub $2.99
Huggies or Pampers mega wipes refill 180-216s $7.99
Rexall brand jumbo diapers $7.99
Pampers or Huggies mega diapers or training pants $14.99
Shoppers Drug Mart
Pull Ups or Goodnites mega pk $13.99(sat,sun & mon) – rest of the week $15.99
Enfamil A+ formula powder $24.99(sat,sun & mon) – rest of the week $26.99
Johnson’s baby needs $2.99(sat,sun & mon) – rest of the week $3.99
Pampers wipes 320-360s or Baby Life mega diapers $9.99
Pampers Underjams $16.99
Nestle Good start formula powder $26.99
Huggies Overnites or Pure & natural diapers $9.99
Gerber Graduates or Nestle baby cereal 3 for $9.99
Desitin or Penaten cream 15% off
Aveeno baby needs $5.99
Huggies Pull Ups wipes 15% off
Huggies mega diapers $16.99
Pampers wipes mega 180-216s $7.99
Pampers mega diapers $16.99
Baby Life wipes 192-216s $7.99
Baby Life baby needs $2.99
Walmart Supercentre
Huggies giant pk diapers size 3-6(80-156s) $24.83
Pampers 10pk wipes $16.63
Pull Ups or Goodnites $12.93
Enfamil A+ with omega concentrate 12s $37.76
Teddy’s Choice club pk diapers size 3-6(88-148s) $19.99
Enfamil,Similac Advance or Nestle Good start formula powder 900g $19.99
Pampers or Huggies mega wipes refill $5.99
Pull Ups or Goodnites mega pk $14.99
Johnson’s baby needs or Naturals $3.99
Milupa cereal $3.49
Enfamil A+ or Enfapro A+ powder formula $23.99
Pull Ups or Goodnites mega pk $16.99
Pampers boxed diapers $29.99
Pampers 3x wipes $7.49
Johnson’s baby needs 2 for $7
Nestle Good start with omega powder $28.99
Heinz cereal $3.99
Advil children’s $6.97
I hope that’s a typo for the vitamins under the rexall post! 😉