Day 4 Contest Winners


Click here to see who Day 4 Contest Winners were

Winners are:

  • 78 cheapskate101
  • 292 kathy arnold

Thank you for sponsoring day 4! If you did not win but are interested in their products click here to visit

It seems like some people are not happy about posting a video of the winner selection since it wastes their time or they can’t watch the video. Would you rather I just list the winners on here without a video?

Please let me know what you prefer and I’ll go with the decision of the majority ๐Ÿ˜€

80 responses to “ Day 4 Contest Winners”

  1. H123 says:

    I like the video – it’s exciting to watch and see who wins!

  2. nancym says:

    i think that would make it alot easier to see who’s won

  3. Eva says:

    It is good to have they video that makes things clear, but I also would like to have the list of the winners.
    Thanks for the great contests!

  4. Kyles_Mama says:

    Yay congrats Cheapskate101 and other person (I already forgot the name) Congratulations to you both ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Andie says:

    i really like the video – it’s a very transparent process. but, i understand if other people have an awkward time accessing/screening it.

  6. Charmaine says:

    I think it would be great to just post the winners here, its easier to view! Thanks

  7. Ceren says:

    i like the video!

  8. Da Bonster says:

    It’s easier to see if the winners are listed…

  9. Agnes says:

    I think both video & list would be great!

  10. Bob Sakamano says:

    The video is fun. Then just post the names at the bottom.

  11. Eva says:

    # 78 cheapskate101
    # 292 kathy arnold

  12. Stacey says:

    The video is fun, but a list would also be handy. I like the suspense of the video.

  13. evil.kitten says:

    Congrats winners =)

    I was going to put that I wanted to see text winners but seeing the winners in the video is much more exciting.

  14. tommygunn says:

    I like the video! More transparent..

  15. Amy says:

    I would like to see both!

  16. neil says:

    please post both name and video

  17. Turkish_DeLight says:

    yay cheaps!!! what an awesome surprise on your birthday (:
    congrats to the other winners ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Justine says:

    I like the videos, it adds more suspense and anticipation to it.

    Boo, why is your homepage the apple site? lol, it should be SC!

  19. Coupon_Queen says:

    I like the videos! So maybe do both

  20. Nadine says:

    I agree with what Bob, Stacey, and the others have said- would love to see a video with a supplementary list. If I have to pick just one, though, I say I want the video!

  21. Calgarymama says:

    I think doing both the video and a list of winners would be nice if it’s not too much trouble ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Rosa says:

    I like the video too! It’s interesting!

  23. Cmoody says:

    Congrats CHEAPSKATE!!!!!! And the other winner!!!

  24. FreebieChick says:

    I personally love to watch the videos………………..thumbs up ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. TaraF says:

    Congrats to the winners! As for how you list the winners if it isn’t too much trouble I’m sure video and text would go over well. As I posted elsewhere I can’t view the videos at the moment so I’m in the dark on who the winners are so written text works better for me.

  26. julyprincess says:

    both! Congrats to the winners!

  27. Sally says:

    Post the names and the videos?

  28. Nemokeeler says:

    I love the Videos!!

  29. Fleetingleaf says:

    It’s much easier if you can list the winners, and have a link to the video for the people who want to or have the time to watch.

  30. Gracious says:

    I would like both the video and the names listed. Thanks.

  31. Shaunah says:

    I like the video, but maybe list the winners on a link you have to click on to see . . . so those who don’t want to watch the video can click to see, but those who want to see the video won’t have their surprise spoiled!

  32. coupon girl says:

    list the winners ,also have the video its fun to watch

  33. Kaldirris says:

    I’m greedy & want it all. Give us a list AND the video. ๐Ÿ™‚ Gee, not like I expect much, eh?

  34. crazycoupongirl says:

    Umm I think some people may not have a web cam to upload there video of themselves.. unless its u posting u talking
    but I guess I would prefer a list of names easier and qucker and less stress on the winners who would be uncomfortable with there face on here,
    but I’d do a video if i won.. cause I don’t care!! lol

  35. acceb says:

    list better than video

  36. babygonnermann says:

    congratulations winners ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Pauline says:

    The video is fun to watch, but I have to wait til I get to the home computer to watch. A list as well as the video would be appreciated.

  38. leeda08 says:

    I didn’t enter yesterday cuz I don’t have any babies:)

  39. Emma says:

    Congrats to previous winners!

    The kids’ Roots “Power play” watch will be great for my son at Christmas.

  40. Jessica says:

    i would prefer if there is an option so both video and list of winners would be great.

  41. kathy arnold says:

    how do you claim your prize?

  42. Boo Radley says:

    Please email me your address
    alex @t smartcanucks d0t ca

  43. itsjustmebub says:

    woo hoo congrats!!

  44. Lindsay says:

    No video, I keep wanting to hear something but all I get is blank noise. Listing is so much easier scroll down there it is. good luck on what you decide to do.

  45. spiritedside says:

    I like the video. If people want to see the winners just read the comments on the video. There are a million sc’ers saying congrats to the winner’s. By the way congrats cheapskate and kathy!!!!!!!

  46. Emily says:

    I like the list better!!

  47. spiffykerms says:

    No video. Just a list, thanks.

  48. Sandra says:

    I like the list better but the video is fun and exiting to watch too.

    Congrats Cheapskate and Kathy.

  49. Jo says:

    It would be nicer to just see the names. The video is a time waster!!

  50. dawn_sweety says:

    Personally I like the video but if you did both it seems that everyone would be happy and apprechiative of it. Thank you for all the time that you spend putting this together, I couldn’t imagine trying to do that on top of everything else I have going on in life ๐Ÿ™‚

  51. Draven79 says:

    I like the video I think it’s fun. But at the same time I think it’s easier to just put the names. Maybe you could post the video and then leave the first comment that says the winners so people don’t see the winners if they want to watch the videos but it’s easy to find the winners if they choose not to watch.

  52. cheapskate101 says:


  53. jenlively49 says:

    Video and I was about to say the exact same as Draven79, make the first comment the winners name, but not on actual blog with the video

  54. jenlively49 says:

    oh, congrats Cheaps and Happy Birthday!!!

  55. Deb says:

    Gee, I prefer it listed but I think I’m in the minority. Oh well.

    Congrats to the winners!

  56. User-ID says:

    A list that shows all the daily winners to date, would def be nice for the dial-up users because even the shortest YouTube takes 4ever to load.

    By the way, are winners actually notified by PM?

    If not, perhaps I have won something already but have not realized it yet?

    Did I?


  57. Aussie says:

    Post the names!!

  58. Sandra says:

    just list the names please

  59. ARPL says:

    Names are sufficient. THanks.

  60. polacco65 says:

    I prefer to see a list of the winners instead of the video.

    Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  61. Michelle says:

    The video is neat to watch but some of us have slower old computers….I would prefer just listing the names…THANKS!!

  62. rainy says:

    Congrats to both winners!!!!!
    I like both ideas I think doing the video and then posting the names at the end is good!!!!!

  63. marnie says:

    love the video

  64. freestuffforme says:

    I’d just like to see the winners. We trust you, Boo. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  65. Damnedifiknow says:

    Congrats cheapskate101 and kathy arnold! ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. MarisasMom says:

    Can you do both?

  67. tjg says:

    I prefer to see the names of the winners, especially when there are more than one. It’s just too time consuming to watch the process on the video.
    And these contests are fantastic. They are fun for us, and a great marketing tool for the sponsors. Thanks!

  68. Catherine says:

    I like to watch the video, but I understand that some people are having trouble viewing it. Maybe both if not too much trouble?

  69. Rock says:

    I’m for the posting of the names. Less stress LOL.

    It was sort of cool waiting for the random number selector to do its thing..added a little suspense.

  70. Dawn says:

    I like the video. It may sound mean but if people can not spend the 50 sec to watch the video then to bad for them. really you have done a lot of hard work to get them free giveaways what is a few minutes of their time for it. Sure you could do a list of all winners if you wanted .. but not required I do not think … jmo ๐Ÿ˜‰

  71. Suzanne LeBlanc says:

    Congratulations cheapskate101 and kathy arnold!

  72. buttercup says:

    I like the names.

  73. cheapskate101 says:

    I like the video and the names:-)

  74. momof2 says:

    I like just posting of names.

  75. pretty rose says:

    yes, please just post the winners.

  76. Roksana says:

    Please post the winners, itโ€™s easier to see if they are listedโ€ฆ

  77. FunkyMunky says:

    no video pls – I check SM from work and youtube is blocked there
    just list the winners

    OR to make everyone happy do both ๐Ÿ™‚

  78. smanda17 says:

    the video is nice but it is great to have them listed for those of us we get blocked from our place of employment.

    congrats to the winners!!! there stuff looks fabulous!

  79. Nettie says:

    I’d prefer just the names listed as well, as I can’t watch the videos.

  80. amycanada77 says:

    I enjoy watching the videos – so both would make everyone happy ๐Ÿ˜€


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