Hurry on over to Banana Republic for some big savings today only. You can save 40% on all regular priced women’s items both in store and online. If you are shopping online, enter coupon code BRSAVE40 to get your discount. Orders of $50 or more ship for free. This sale is not available at Banana Republic factory stores, just the regular ones.
Click here to shop online at Banana Republic.
Thanks to couponlady for finding this one day sale.
Wow they’ve been doing these 1 day 40% sales a lot lately.
No complaints here 😀
TIP: the sale applies to stuff on sale so make a bee-line for the sale section in store. I snagged a nice anti-wrinkle shirt for 23$ the last time.
This time it says “valid on regular priced items”… doesn’t look like they let you use it on sale items… 🙁
Just tried the code and it didnt work 🙁