Banana Republic Canada Save an Additional 25% on Sale Items Online Only

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Banana Republic Online has a new promotion going on.  From today until October 3 you can save an additional 25% on all sale merchandise by using coupon code BG7R7BDZ68P8 at checkout.  They have lots of sale merchandise that has already been discounted by 30% in men’s, women’s and accessories.  Also shipping is free on orders of at least $50.

Click here to shop at Banana Republic online.

4 responses to “Banana Republic Canada Save an Additional 25% on Sale Items Online Only”

  1. Stephanie says:

    I tried to used this code and it seems to be a unique one for a one term purchase?

  2. Sally says:

    I am pretty sure its one time use, but we can use this as a trading post.

  3. Stephanie says:

    Ignore previous post, I found my coupon code in my junk mail =)

  4. Sally says:

    im sure people will give them out for free since there so plentiful 🙂


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