Bath and Body Works Canada has curated three different coupons for you this weekend, that give you the choice and flexibility to pick whichever offer is most suited to your needs. These coupons vary between discounts and freebies, but overall, you won’t have to spend very much to get a whole bunch in return from the wonderful people at Bath and Body Works.
All of the coupons deals that Bath and Body Works has lined up for this week will be valid through Saturday, February 28th and you will only be permitted to use one coupon per transaction (as you cannot combine coupons or discounts). The three coupons that you will have the choice of picking between are:
- 20% off your entire purchase
- $10 off your purchase of $30 or more
- or 1 FREE item (value of $15 or less) when you spend $10 or more
Keep in mind that tomorrow is the last day for the buy 1 3-wick candle, get 1 free offer, so if you’d also like to take advantage of that promotion, I’d suggest you hurry into Bath and Body Works today with your coupons in tow!
- Click here to print out the 20% off coupon,
- here to print out the $10 off coupon,
- or here to print out the free item coupon with your purchase of $10 from Bath and Body Works Canada.