Bath & Body Works Canada Black Friday Week Sale: Buy 3 Get 3 Free Sitewide Until November 25th

The Black Friday Week sale at Bath & Body Works Canada starts today! Buy three get three free both in-store and online on absolutely everything! This offer starts today and will be valid until November the 25th. The sale is not yet active online this morning at the time I’m writing this, but it should be within the next couple of hours, so start preparing your cart!

It doesn’t appear that any code is required for the buy three get three free, so you should be able to use any code that you may have been saving, like the email newsletter sign up. If you sign up now you probably won’t receive a code right away, but you will have one for future use.

If you do not have a code that includes free shipping, standard shipping from Bath & Body Works Canada is $9.99 for orders of $10 or more, and you should receive your order in 3-8 business days. Expedited shipping is 1-3 business days, and you can choose this option for $19.99.

Click here to shop the buy 3 get 3 free Black Friday Week sale at Bath & Body Works Canada. 

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