I think this is my favourite BBW coupon of all. Get a free item (up to a $12.50 value) when you purchase $10 or more. This coupon is valid until Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011 and limited to one per customer. The best way to use this coupon is to combine it with an in-store deal. For example, they are having Buy 3 Get 3 Free on Signature Collection body care this weekend. Since your purchase is already more than $10, this coupon would qualify and you would get an extra free item. So in this case, you would have bought 3 and got 4 for free. If you prefer to make a bare minimum purchase of $10 to use the coupon, some of the in-store deals are:
1.6 oz CANDLES 2 FOR $5
Click here to print your coupon.
Is there another link to this coupon? This one is very poor resolution and I fear it wont be readable when printed
Click on the coupon, it will magnify it then the resolution will be better.
most of the time they don’t let you combine their special offers. So you wouldn’t be able to buy 3 get 4 free. They have no problem letting you do different transactions with different coupons, but they usually have 3-4 coupons/promos/special offers going on at the same time so they don’t combine (I tried asking multiple sales associates).
Last time I used this coupon along with buy one get one free candles promo. So I got 3 candles for the price of one using this coupon. I always combine their promos with coupons and never had any issues 🙂
I only wish there was a Bath & Body close to me! *heavy sigh*
Just used 2 coupons with 2 different transaction. Purchased the 4 oz candles at buy one/get one free. Because first candle was over ten, received other two for free.(with coupon). Paid $14.00 and change for three candles … normally they are $12.50 each plus tax. Love the deals. Also, Rexall has most mascara 50% off. Used $2.00 Cover Girl coupon .. paid just over $3.00 for Cover Girl mascara.
I did the same thing as IRefuseToPayFullPrice – I used this coupon with the BOGO candles. I don’t know if locations differ or not though.
I bought four 50% items for $10 total and got an $11 item free. The customers ahead of me bought 3 items, got 3 free and used the coupon for an $11 item free.
i couldnt combine coupons either, Plus they didnt have my fav Leaves candle 🙁
Went yesterday and got the buy 3, get 3 free for hand lotions and used the coupon to get a 4th for free as well, so in the end if was pay for 3, get 4 free. Great for christmas gifts!
I went today with two coupons. I bought an item for 12 dollars and was actually allowed to get TWO of the 4 oz ($12.50) candles for free because of the buy 1 get 1 free deal. So then on the second coupon I bought 4 of the smallest candles for 10 bucks (they were on sale for 2/$5) and got two more of the medium sized candles for free! I got $50 worth of free candles and only spent about 22 bucks. It was awesome! 😀
I bought the buy-one get one free candles like most of you! So 3 candles for the price of one. I bought the homemade cookies, s’mores and the vanilla cupcake. This was a good promotion!
I just have to say that the last 2 orders I have received of the 3 wick candles (which I love) have burned terribly. Im not sure what has happened to them but the wicks are not good.Would love something to be done about that!